A newborn blob in a world full of words
of reading
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Maaf author, typonya silahkan di-edit. Nuhun
Um, maybe FY's sovereign aperture is somehow the past form of the current Continents? The sovereign aperture contains many variant humans albeit just 3 of it. The geography also almost the same as the current Continents. The era before Primordial Origin also ruled by variant humans, right? Also I just found this novel a month ago, sorry for my late thought lol
Cheater yg kerjaannya tidur doang
Setidaknya aku gak pernah nemuin orang kek gitu
Enak ya. Tidur doang terus waktu main game pake cheat > menang, it's free real estate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Wahaha! Akhirnya nemu judul tentang God Eater. Franchise favoritku! Semoga author bisa selesaikan cerita ini karena God Eater itu konsep yang jarang ada di WebNovel indo
tf that logo and character XD