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Brother, we literally have laws against this, if someone is living somewhere and paying money to live there somebody else cannot come in and buy the land, then charge exorbitant amounts of money with the intent to either make the tenants fall into financial slavery or leave immediately, I get that it’s the Hutt’s right as he owns the land, but you can’t expect people to be able to just move at the drop of a hat, there needs to be a time period given, and that was not given.
Again, with what money, the building was most definitely there before they bought it, they would not have had a building constructed on unbought land, and land has to be 10x more expensive than a building in night city
Okay smartass, like people are just in the financial situation to move whenever they feel like, Immediately able to move after invested thousands and thousands into a house and then just leaving.
Nah, what are you going to do if someone buys the land where your house is sitting? Then charges you obscene amounts of money?
It doesn’t to the people
The only problem I see with my statement is I didn’t account for toxins, but who is waste going to come about if the body absorbing everything, is there something else I’m missing?(when you say waste I assume poop and pee)
Maybe, but if 100% of everything is absorbed then there isn’t anything to constipate or create kidney stones
I read every word you did guy, which is why I said it was strange to get mad about it