

2021-01-05 JoinedGlobal

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  • meme_dealer_3493
    Replied to Avan

    lol what a liar this guy. I am at 1495 chapter and mc is still the same dumb and weak asf even after he became a mage he still again lost his power. Author just keeps torturing the guy to keep audience waiting in hopes of him getting finally smart and op and get the khaos powers. But he is never going to get those powers until the end of the chapter when he has finally become the most powefrful until then you will keep waiting in suspense of when he will grow up. Klea is same two faced bitch who doesn't have any problem getting naked in front of julian but have problems when mc talks to a girl , julian is same villian type guy and especially now when he tried to fuck klea when mc was in coma , powers growth doesn't make sense in this novel at all. All those reviews telling story is good etc are either fake or they just read starting 100 chapters , because I'm at 1495 chapter now with only 300 left to go until the chapters are finished , but mc is still dumb and weak asf and only keeps using same powers even now , harden skin, entangle , devour claws and blink , all his other super powered elements and spells like gravity , space , light etc are just there for namesake like the above guy said.

    Earth's Greatest Magus
    Fantasy · Avan
  • meme_dealer_3493
    Replied to Vi_Si

    totally agree , i am at 1495 chapter and MC is still totally dumb and weak. Even after he became a mage finally at around 1480 chapter author still turned him into a weakass mf , and this novel has gotten so boring i can't get myself to finish it anymore. Author just trying to increase chapter count at this point with poor quality filler chapter and turned mc weak so audience keep reading the book in hopes of him getting stronger and finally get the khaos powers but sadly I don't see it happening until the end of book coz Author at this point doesn't care about quality anymore. No character growth , klea is still as emery obsessed selfish bitch who has no problem getting naked in front of julian but keeps breaking emery friendship with other girls , julian giving villian vibes now especially trying to conquer klea now , morgana still as annoying as ever , the only good guys thrax and chumo have disappeared all together from the story. Also power growth doesn't make sense in this book , time powers taking less spirit energy than gravity powers , emery always getting his ass tortured at first then somehow getting powers miraculously which makes no sense at all then losing the powers in the next chapter again. All his overpowered elements , space , gravity , light , darkness , nature are useless. Inspite of having double core he always has less spirit energy than his enemies. He always just gets angry then miraculously gets powered up turning the situation around then getting his ass beat again in the next chapter after losing those powers somehow again. Same repetitive scene even now at 1495 chapter. Also how tf does his body loses control in beast transformation while his mind is in the driver seat watching everything his body doing. Who tf is controlling his body then , like he has all his senses and can see his body doing everything on its own. Seriously ?? Never read a worst novel than this. Tried to be patient since start that he would somehow grow up smart and finally gets op but he is still dumb and weak no matter how many elements he gets. Only starting 200 chapters trap you into reading this book into suspense but then this book gets worse and worse. Idk how this trash of a book has such a high rating , probably bought the rating. Do yourself a favour people and avoid reading this book to save yourself from frustration.

    Earth's Greatest Magus
    Fantasy · Avan
  • meme_dealer_3493

    A BIT OF SPOILER BUT ITS'S NECESSARY After reading 1285 chapters-This is my review---------Dont't bother reading this novel , just a waste of time. Im stuck now because i read so far and I don't leave unfinished books but seriously i kept thinking about dropping some novel for the first time.After reading so many novelsYou can tell how inexperienced this author is , time spell taking less spirit energy than gravity spell , seriously?? Also author keeps making MC more stupid day by day and giving him stupid handicaps , he literally have double core and double spirit energy than normal people but still somehow he always has less spirit energy than his opponents, he can't use his spatial spells properly even now other than just blink in fights even when he used his spatial spell to teleport his attacks when he was just a newbie he somehow forgot about it as he grew stronger and only know blink spell in fights , somehow he can't control his body whenever he has a "urge" but he can see his body moving and doing all things and killing people ,like his mind is in control but body isnt't, seriously ? who the hell is controlling his body then? He always somehow miraculously casts hard spell like "literally reviving people from the dead just by wishing" but cant't do it on its's own , every powerup he gets he cant't use it somehow in fights , like his level 6 dagger is banned in tournament , his pet tree is also banned beause of some lame reason , he learned gravity spells but then in fight against sword saint he still cant' use his gravity spell properly and only using basic attraction and repel spell but still taking more spirit energy than his opponent when his opponent literally using time spells to speed and slow time , bruh?? why cant' he just increase gravity in surrounding area? all his fights literally repetitive even if he learns nice spells like aegis of void which is A rank spell but still it's always weak against his opponent , he just always gets beat up first in fight like a stupid dumbass then wins the fight using same spell everytime "daomatter , blink and shadow blade" . All his other spells are just useless or "weak" or consumes too much energy coz apparently his spirit pool is empty when he literally has two spirit cores and double spirit energy than regular people while his opponents has more spirit energy than him coz they can spam their diving spell "monk guy , sword saint , dragon guy" , and let's not forget about his devour element which is basically useless power in his hands , apart from the above three spell which he uses to win the fight only his devour element is the final spell with which he can somehow magically turn around the fight and only way to use that element is by his claws to dig into his enemy and even then he can only devour dark element otherwise that devour element is also useless . Like he literally has overpowered elements , space , devour , light , darkness , gravity but he is still somehow dumb and useless. Power growth and learning in this novel is just nonsense and character buildup is even more stupid. Apart from thrax and his enemies , all other characters turning stupid day by day, especially klea.

    Earth's Greatest Magus
    Fantasy · Avan
  • meme_dealer_3493
    Replied to NamingSucks

    oh ok i see , thanks for clarification

    Ch 1080 Potential Troubles
    Divine Path System
    Fantasy · _Transcendent
  • meme_dealer_3493

    why the sudden increase in fast pass cost? we only get two pass daily and now one two chapters unlock with three fast pass , earlier it was filler chaptera after making others wait in frustration for so many days ,now some content is here so he increased the price. You can tell by their action how greedy they are.

    Ch 1080 Potential Troubles
    Divine Path System
    Fantasy · _Transcendent
  • meme_dealer_3493

    such a long wait and all we get is filler chapter

    Ch 1059 Brides And Groom
    Divine Path System
    Fantasy · _Transcendent
  • meme_dealer_3493
    Replied to Tyson_1102

    Reduce the star for update stability because author has already stopped updating the book regularly , it's been few days since the last chapter release. Just another greedy author.

    Divine Path System
    Fantasy · _Transcendent
  • meme_dealer_3493

    don't bother starting this book because this author is the same as other author , no more chapter updates anymore from few days and leaving the plot hanging at the most suspenseful part. Book and story is nice but no point if you can't complete the story. You will just get frustrated and angry everyday waiting for new chapter but it won't be released. Earlier it was 2 chapters per day but now that it gotten popular and got to most suspenseful part the author has probably become greedy.

    Divine Path System
    Fantasy · _Transcendent
  • meme_dealer_3493

    The novel turned out to be pretty nice and story was really engaging but now the novel is stuck at current chapters. Story development was A1 but now Author releases like 1-2 chapters per month and that too are fillers. ex. chapter 842 name is Zhang jing's guess and whole chapter is just about that , villain guessing how our mc got powerfull. Like what the actual fuck. After waiting for so long for new chapter you get this type of bullshit filler chapter. Might as well just drop this novel because I don't think this novel will be completed before 20-30 years at this pace. Just hate these type of authors who just start slowing down chapter releases at the most interesting part of the story. Tales of demons and gods book was same. Had to drop it because author released like 1-2 chapter in 6-12 months. Wanna give this book zero rating because of this bullshit but I am a honest reviewer. The book was genuinely good but this snail pace chapter release just killed the book.

    Monarch of Time
    Eastern · ZeusTheOlympian
  • meme_dealer_3493

    author died? or delaying tactic again so people are forced to buy advanced chapter. it's been 2-3 days already since new chapter release. Earlier it was fixed two chapter daily. 😑

    Ch 1048 Abyss Of Soul
    Divine Path System
    Fantasy · _Transcendent
  • meme_dealer_3493

    why is chapter release always so slow at the most suspenseful part , i think they deliberately do it so people spend money. It's been 2-3 days already since las5 two chapters release . Earlier it was two chapters daily release !

    Ch 1035 Quiet Before The Storm
    Divine Path System
    Fantasy · _Transcendent
  • meme_dealer_3493

    when will the next chapters come , it's been two days

    Ch 1033 For The Glory Of My Father
    Divine Path System
    Fantasy · _Transcendent
  • meme_dealer_3493

    can't wait to see him destroy everyone especially julius , i think he would try to sneak attack varian again after becoming more powerful.

    Ch 1017 Tears Of A Man
    Divine Path System
    Fantasy · _Transcendent