I like novels with heavily detailed Power System , like how that magic or ability works what's it can do and what it can't,where the power comes from and how u uses it and a lot of world building
of reading
Read books
see through clothes would be nice😉
not really killer and murder are the same the attributes it will be blood lost and violence , berserker is wrath and violence
amagi brilliant park: anime 12 episode
so it's just quality not matter transmutation 🤔
🤔 yeah no he can enhanced the quality of anything that time when his Aura touch the ground it enhanced the quality the earth from stones to ores and that time he touch the android lich he drained or decrease the quality of his metal body so it's basically enhanced the quality of anything and weaken or drain the quality of anything
I think I figured out what Aurum power is, it's probably quality manipulation from what I read do far it's probably that, he can enhanced the quality of anything and decrease the quality of anything