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Jessus Crist you ouțdone yourself here! This was a wild ride wich îm Glad to have expirienced with you yall HOLY joker im looking foward to seing more of you novels
Can we still give something to Barry we kinda left him somewhat useless maybe give him the ștreng force?
Persistency can go a long way
Well can i say i do like the book a lot but......the only thing that i dont realy like îs the charisma thing i get it harem and all that but its so overdone its just boring at this point
Man izuku is Going to be like a batman Iron man fusion
So. Question Iron man izuku makes his AFO Buster?
Something that i usualy hate îs how most pepole arent Power gaming but chase i quite literaly existed as a sans for what less than 2 weeks and allready a higth level has 1/7 humans souls and getting skills
Imagine if the sistem îs like your to OP and remove something at random Sans ( D) : pls dont be something important..... Lover Skill was removed Sans (D) : guess i got worried 3or nothing *removing second D : wait no
Ok then îm kinda man your did not take posibilii of making a gaster blaster weapon or construcks ( thats a more personal thing) i have seen gaster blaster dragons and even hidras or HOUNDS but your concept for them is INTERESTING i wish to know what Will you do with it ( also gaster blaster guns exist... ) take the picc as an example for gaster blaster blades or sword or hell even bows or even elemental gaster blasters ( flame trowers, presurized WATER, wind Blast and tornados, maybe full on steel gaster blaster for EARTH and the sub element etc) Also the story îs good keep it up
Pls help me The discord link expiered! YES. My spelling sucks