


we come to this world alone and go alone

2020-11-23 JoinedGlobal



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Princes of the Dewar Clan

Lizen is a demon prince of the Dewar clan, who was exiled to modern Earth from another world, after Lizen had a fight with his brother. Lizen breaks a taboo and ends up having all of his power as a demon taken away. Lizen lives on Earth like a dazed person because all of his memories have been erased by his evil brother. Lizen lives life as an ordinary human named Jaya Raizaski. However, after many years, Lizen's brother came to Earth and claimed to be a good brother, who would save Lizen, who was then named Jay Raizaski. But, it turns out that Lizen's brother has other intentions. *** Jay has a son named Joon during his stay on Earth. Jay acts as an ordinary father in front of his son. Then, when Jay's memory as Lizen returns, Jaya is afraid. Jay doesn't want his son to know about Lizen who is the prince of the Dewar Clan. Then, Jay's life as an ordinary father changes completely when Ryu arrives. Ryu always provokes Jaya into killing his own son to regain his power as a demon. Then, what is Jay's decision? *** Living with 3 fathers with different personalities, this is what this handsome teenager, who is in his early 15s, experienced. He was actually happy, but he felt the need to also know his true identity. The journey of a rather slengean teenager, Arjuna Raizaski alias Joon, searches for his true identity. Until one day, someone said that Joon was not fully human. That makes Joon want to find his true identity even more. Is he really not a normal human? *** "Should I kill my own son to break this blood bond curse?" Lizen Twining a.k.a Jay Raizaski monologue. "Do it, Father! If this is indeed what we have to go through." Joon replied with a smile.

Zanaka · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Crystal Ball Dimension

The Dimensional Crystal Ball is a special crystal ball that resides in the Demon Kingdom. The Dimensional Crystal Ball was the manifestation of the all-powerful Demon Lord. The purple crystal ball can take its owner to time travel and can only be used by the possessor of the Special Blood and the direct descendant of the Demon King. *** Living with 3 fathers with a variety of different personalities. This is what experienced this handsome teenager in the early 15 years. Joon is actually happy, but he feels the need to also know his true identity. The journey of a little naughty teenager, Arjuna Raizaski aka Joon, looks for his true identity. Sudenly, someone said that Joon was not a completed human. That makes Joon even more eager to find his true identity. Is it true that Joon is not an ordinary human? Then, in the midst of confusion over his identity, Joon finds a purple Crystal Ball. The Crystal Ball turns out to be taking Joon to time travel. This is Joon's adventure with his friends *** Miryu is Joon's cousin, who is going on a time trip with Joon. Miryu took a small bottle from under his cloak, Joon's blood that he had prepared earlier. Miryu also bit her index finger. He mixed his blood with Joon's blood earlier. He had read this before in one of the books in the library of the Dewar Clan's Castle, how to use the 'magic crystal ball'. A few drops of Joon's Pure Blood and Miryu's Satan's Blood, fell right on top of the purple glowing crystal ball. The crystal ball floated in the air. The purplish light grew brighter until it blinded Miryu and Queen Celaina. The light had swallowed Miryu and Celaina into it. They disappeared with the disappearance of the purple light earlier. Quiet and dark. The room was silent and empty again. *** "Lizen, watch out!" I shouted when I saw Ryujin behind Lizen. Lizen turned around. Ryujin gripped Lizen's arms. His sharp eyes shone directly into Lizen's silver eyes. I don't know what Ryujin is doing right now. What is certain is that after ten minutes they stared at each other, suddenly Lizen's body relaxed. Lizen falls to the floor. Did he just get hypnotized? Ryujin grabbed Lizen's forehead. Lizen's body gave off a silvery white mist. The fog grew more and more slowly and slowly left Lizen's body. It's been a few minutes, the fog has thinned and is now gone. Surprisingly, Lizen's silver hair turned black as the mist from his body disappeared. Now Lizen's black hair covers his face. I could no longer see Lizen's handsome face. Is he dead? "Stupid Lizen! I have taken your power. After this, you will become a lowly creature called a human. Hahaha, I have been waiting for this for a long time, Lizen. But take it easy, my brother! Someday I will restore your strength for one purpose only, to kill your own child. Buwahahah ...." Ryujin laughed like crazy. "Are you making fun of me, Human?" I flinched when Ryujin shouted like that. Can he read my mind? With a terrible grin, he came up to me. I continued to take a few steps back. "Don't kill me, Uncle!" I said, stammering. Swoosshh! Ryujin swung his sword in the air and aimed it right at my neck. ____________ Visuals and spoilers can be seen at IG: @mamathor_joon FB: Zanaka Sofia Maurya

Zanaka · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Pradhika's Bloody Incident

Pradhika's Triplet yaitu Siji Pradhika, Yuji Pradhika dan Reiji Pradhika mengalami hal buruk saat mereka berupaya mematahkan kutukan yang dialami oleh Reiji. Mereka terjebak di tempat aneh dan mengalami peristiwa yang mengerikan. Tempat itu hanyalah lubang setinggi orang dewasa yang tidak memiliki celah lain untuk keluar. Mereka bertiga harus memutar otak untuk dapat keluar dari tempat aneh itu. *** Lalu, mereka mengalami kejadian aneh yang lainnya karena kedatangan seseorang yang mengaku paman mereka, yang berasal dari Korea Selatan. Lelaki itu adalah saudara kembar non identik Tuan Yudha Pradhika, ayah dari Pradhika's Triplet. Namun, terjadi permasalahan yang rumit di antara dua saudara itu sebelum Tuan Yudha diadopsi oleh keluarga Pradhika dan diboyong ke Indonesia. Siji Pradhika yang sedang mengikuti pertukaran pelajar ke Busan, Korea Selatan, harus bertemu dengan saudara ayahnya itu. Dan kisah berdarah-darah itu pun dimulai. *** "Aku tidak akan puas sebelum menuntut balas pada Yudha dan keturunannya." Seseorang yang bernama Lucca menatap foto-foto Tuan Yudha dan keluarganya yang tertempel di dinding suatu kamar yang gelap. Pandangan mata lelaki itu tertuju pada salah satu foto dari putra kembar Tuan Yudha. "Aku akan memulai balas dendamku pada kamu, Anak Manis," lirihnya sambil menyeringai. Peristiwa rumit semacam apalagi yang akan dihadapi Pradhika's Triplet? Apakah ini ada hubungannya dengan masa kelam ayahnya yang tinggal di panti asuhan? Dan ada misteri juga tentang terbakarnya Panti Asuhan yang menyimpan cerita kelam itu.

Zanaka · Horror
220 Chs

I'm Not a Werewolf (Indonesian)

Eric Yudhistira adalah remaja berusia 16 tahun. Dia berasal dari keluarga miskin dan tinggal hanya bersama ayahnya saat ini. Kakaknya Eric yang bernama Rafael telah meninggal beberapa bulan yang lalu karena kecelakaan. Eric tidak pernah tahu di mana ibu kandungnya. Jadi, Eric ikut mencari uang dengan bekerja paruh waktu, untuk membantu perekonomian keluarga mereka. Zarius Vasilias adalah iblis yang diusir dari istananya sendiri. Banyak iblis yang membenci Zarius. Karena konspirasi besar, Zarius dieksekusi oleh iblis lain dan melarikan diri ke Dunia Manusia. Meski memiliki penampilan seperti remaja berusia belasan tahun, tapi sebenarnya usia Zarius sudah ratusan tahun. Dan Zarius pernah datang ke Bumi sebelumnya. Bahkan, Zarius menjalin hubungan dengan makhluk bumi. Zarius bertemu Eric di Bumi. Namun, Zarius kehilangan ingatannya sebagai iblis. Eric membantu Zarius yang terluka parah dan memperlakukan Zarius seperti saudaranya sendiri. Iblis yang membenci Zarius mencari keberadaan Zarius hingga ke Bumi. Nama iblis itu adalah Felius. Felius tahu bahwa Eric adalah manusia yang penting bagi Zarius. Bahkan, Zarius menganggap Eric sebagai adiknya sendiri. Faktanya, Eric memang berada di garis keturunannya Zarius. Felius telah mengetahui hal itu. Jadi, Felius melakukan sesuatu pada Eric. Felius mengubah Eric menjadi manusia serigala dan membuat Eric berpikir bahwa Zarius adalah dalang di balik transformasinya. Bagaimana Zarius menjelaskan jika dia bukanlah yang mengubah Eric menjadi manusia serigala? Lalu, bagaimana Eric menjalani hidupnya sebagai makhluk aneh, yang dapat berubah menjadi makhluk buas kapan saja?

Zanaka · Fantasy
46 Chs

My Brother is a CAT

Starting from a love story of different nature, then bringing Yudha to be the cause of misfortune that will befall his descendants. Initially, the young man named Yudha and Arjuna investigated the disappearance of their classmate. All the clues lead Yudha to an ancient building. Apparently, the old building on the hill has a basement that holds many secrets. In fact, under the ground there is a mysterious temple. Yudha is very curious and invites his friend to explore the whole place, which is in the basement. However, the temple is also what brought Yudha to time travel, until Yudha got to the Human-Animal World. 'I really crossed over the dimensions of space and time. But . . . when other people pass through dimensions with magic weapons or modern props, and I just fall down from the third floor of the ancient temple!' Yudha thought, annoyed. [DING!] [Triggers a series of tasks!] "What?!" shouted Yudha. [The bullies will appear, please help the Princess to fight the bullies on your way! The Host must ensure the safety of the Princess until she reaches her destination! ] "Huh?! A new task popped into my head!" Yudha muttered, still not used to the system sound coming from his head. Love blossomed there, but Yudha had to return to the Human World. *** The demon cat sacrificed many things to come to the human world with the consequence that he would become a cat forever. The cat demon lives in Yudha's house as a pet. Then, can this beautiful cat demon tell if she is Dewi, the woman Yudha loved before?

Zanaka · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Black Dark

Arjun, begitulah nama bocah ini. Di usia yang belia, ia harus mengalami banyak kemalangan. Mulai dari seringnya melihat pertengkaran orang tuanya hingga satu per satu orang yang ia sayangi meninggalkan dirinya. Mulai dari meninggalnya ibunya, hingga ia harus dijauhkan dari kakak angkatnya, Agnimaya. Namun, semua kemalangan itu membuat Arjun semakin kuat menjalani garis takdirnya. Ia berjanji untuk selalu berada di jalan kebenaran. Tapi, selalu saja banyak rintangan untuk menjalani niat baik itu. Berbagai macam cobaan, semakin membuat Arjun menjadi sosok yang lebih kuat dari sebelumnya. Ia akan melindungi orang-orang yang tersayangnya yang tersisa. Namun, takdir berkata lain. Seolah takdir tengah mempermainkan dirinya. Hingga sosok dari masa lalu ibunya datang kepada Arjuna. Sosok pria yang baik itu mengulurkan tangannya ketika Arjuna berada di masa tersulitnya karena terus-menerus kehilangan orang yang disayanginya. Sosok itu adalah Hilal, mantan kekasih ibunya Arjuna. Sosok yang masih mencintai Maurasika, ibunya Arjuna, hingga saat ini. Hilal menjadi sosok ayah bagi Arjuna, yang bahkan selama ini Arjuna tidak tahu bagaimana cara sosok ayah selalu bersikap. Dia lupa pada sosok ayah. Ketika Arjuna mulai menjalani hidupnya yang baik-baik saja bersama ayah angkatnya, Hilal, tiba-tiba ada murid baru di sekolahannua yang memiliki nama belakang sama seperti Arjuna. Nama remaja berkacamata itu adalah Angga Ronivanendra. Yudha, sahabatnya Arjuna, mengatakan mungkin saja Arjuna dan Angga adalah saudara jauh. Tapi, Arjuna mengatakan jika tidak mau tahu lagi soal apa pun yang membahas nama keluarga Ronivanendra. Namun, beberapa situasi mempertemukan Arjuna dan Angga secara kebetulan. Apakah Angga memang saudaranya Arjuna? Lalu, apakah Angga juga akan menjadi target Arjuna selanjutnya? Untuk spoiler dan visual, silahkan ikuti IG : @mamathor_joon FB : Zanaka Sofia Maurya

Zanaka · Urban
371 Chs