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The synopsis is well written and it successfully pulled my curiosity into what will happen with the two lead characters ♥️ well-build world and good choice of words are nother things I love about this novel♥️
Great choice of words, amazing worldbuilding, and powerful plot ♥️ this will make a good nivel to read. Please continue updating and it will help you pull more readers. Keep up the good work and kudos to you , amazing author ♥️
Mysteries always capture the heart of the readers. The author has successfully planted curiosity to whoever will read this, I recommend the book to everyone 🥰
I really love the plot and how this world was built. I must say this type of novel is worth of our time so I recommend this novel! Good choice of words and very descriptive. Good work author!
It's a very nice novel to read specially if you're looking for a romance nivel with twisted plot. I want to read more! Cheers to the amazing author ❤️
I love the plot so much, that I wished for more chapter updates! The choice of words are very amazing and the author was descriptive in everything so the readers have the chance to imagine every action that the characters will do ❤️
The synopsis screams adventures and romance so I got curious for what was about to come ❤️ the novel is great and amazing as well as the author ❤️ keep up the good work ❤️
The last part of the synopsis left me hanging which is good for me as a reader. I got confused by how "he" came into her world and destroyed her illusion. It was a great sentence that pulled me into reading this novel to understand what it means ❤️ cheers to the author❤️
The character has a strong belief and will. I envy her for a having such determination to be the best among everyone yet she dig her own grave and ends up falling in her opponent ❤️ I love the plot and I want to know how this novel ends 🥰 cheers to the author for a wonderful story ❤️
I have never tried reading sci-fi before, but since I got aware of this book I will try now. I was so scared to try before but the has successfully pulled me into this world.. I hope to read more!! Cheers to the author! ❤️❤️