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  • Dec_4Life

    Stop using the word “nonplus”. You’re using it incorrectly. It means to be surprised with showing your surprise, so Edward cannot be “gaping in nonplus” because then he would not be gaping, he’ d have a poker face on.

    That's when Edward darts his eyes back to the female rider. He could already feel himself gaping in nonplus and incredulity as he stared at the woman he never thought would change so much - perhaps to the point he couldn't recognize her anymore.
    Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent
    Urban · Aciee_GelaTin
  • Dec_4Life

    MARKED COMPLETED BUT THE STORY IS NOT FINISHED! So don’t waste your coins/fast passes buying chapters thinking your going to get a story with an ending because Webnovel has marked this story as completed. It’s really just an unfinished story that’s not getting updated anymore. I’ve read all 42 chapters and the story seems to cut off about 1/2 of the way through it. Maybe it was meant to end as a cliff hanger like they’ll be a second comic but there is no second comic for this one so I’m pretty sure it’s just unfinished. There’s no sense in wasting time and money to read a story that’ll never have an ending so do yourself a favor and don’t waste your time and money.

    Good Morning, Billionaire Wife
    · TunTun
  • Dec_4Life

    MARKED COMPLETED BUT THE STORY IS NOT FINISHED! So don’t waste your coins buying chapters thinking your going to get a story with an ending because Webnovel has marked this story as completed. It’s really just an unfinished story that’s not getting updated anymore and it’ll cost you about $10 USD to figure that out. I’v read all 52 chapters and the story seems to cut off about 1/4 of the way through it and NOT in cliff hanger, they’ll be a second part way. To be honest it’s pretty disappointing to me because I really like the way this reincarnated FL handles things and is so straightforward. If it was a completed story it seems like it’d be pretty good because this beginning part it is really interesting but there’s no sense in wasting time and money to read a story that’ll never have an ending so do yourself a favor and don’t waste your time and money.

    My Terrifying Imperial Consort
    · ShaHua x Momo
  • Dec_4Life

    MARKED COMPLETED BUT THE STORY IS NOT FINISHED! So don’t waste your coins buying chapters thinking your going to get a story with an ending because Webnovel has marked this story as completed. It’s really just an unfinished story that’s not getting updated anymore and it’ll cost you over $40 USD to figure that out. I’ve read all 178 chapters and the story seems to cut off about 2/3s of the way through it and NOT in cliff hanger, they’ll be a second part way. It’d be like watching a movie and someone turned it off on the part leading up to the big finale. If it was a completed story it’d be pretty good but there’s no sense in wasting time and money to read a story that’ll never have an ending so do yourself a favor and don’t waste your time and money.

    The Unbridled Medical Consort
    · Dong Animation
  • Dec_4Life
    Replied to WidestGrin

    I agree 100%. Its everywhere and its not a commonly used word in the english language. Plus its used wrong here, its means to be surprised without showing a reaction, when she’s clearly showing a big reaction here.

    "Wait, what?!" Sophie then suddenly cut him, reacting completely nonplussed.
    Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent
    Urban · Aciee_GelaTin
  • Dec_4Life

    Seriously, she can’t jump in “nonplus”, since it means to be surprised without showing a reaction, and jimping wpuld be a reaction. She should jump in surprise, shock or astonishment.

    That's until the door beside her opened all of the sudden, making Cassidy jump in nonplus.
    Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent
    Urban · Aciee_GelaTin
  • Dec_4Life

    Ok, please try using another synonym for nonplus. It’s getting super repetitive and tedious to read because it’s like the 30th time its been used. Try replcing it with, astonished, mystified, confounded, surpised, bewildered, shocked, puzzled, astounded, baffled, perplexed, stupefied or like a dozen other words that mean nearly the exact same thing.

    To say that it's one nonplussing scene will be an understatement.
    Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent
    Urban · Aciee_GelaTin
  • Dec_4Life

    🍕girl! 🍕🍕🍕!!!

    In fact, my face was expressionless because I was freaking the f*ck out. How the hell do you stop this thing?! Was it pizza or french fry?! PIZZA OR FRENCH FRY?!
    The Side Character Turned Villainess
    Fantasy · Nekoru
  • Dec_4Life

    Its driving me crazy that Rossland, Roseland, Rosamund or Rosalind’s name is never consistant, even from obe paragraph to the other. The same with the lady knight’s name. It’s Rosella one oage then Roselia the next.

    So he was forced to leave the empire. Even his sister had to suffer a lot. She was often be seen with suspicious eyes in the public. Rossland had also taken its benefit and insulted her badly. Poor man, look how confident and happy he was looking.
    Villains also get second chance
    History · nishidurani
  • Dec_4Life

    Ok, this situation makes no sense and I really don’t think austrailian laws that extrememly ildifferent from the US, that any of this cpuld realistically happen. 1) Your place of employment can’t fire you for going backrupt, that’d be a massive lawsuit against them and it sounds like she has a pretty good job so I’d be even less likely to be attempted. 2) He may have transerfered all the debt in her name but as soom as she’d stop paying on any of it they’d repossess the apartment or car and he’d loss it as well. You can’t just transfer the possession of something with a mortgage to another person and to fet it take back if payments weren’t make. Her situation would suck if his name was on everything but if she defaulted on all the mortgages he’d keep nothing because it’d all be repossessed. This would only make sense if the apartment and car were in his name and not hers AND already paid off.

    Oh my God, Anna thought, Jinhu had likely left her with debts of close to $1,000.000 Australian, with nothing to secure it and only her wage to pay it back, most likely leaving the only option for her to be declaring bankruptcy, which would see her lose her career. This made the tears come down harder.
    Offer to the CEO
    General · klmorgan
  • Dec_4Life

    I Gotta disagree with her. I feel like the answer to her Yuu problems is letting Tatsuya know that Yuu knows she’s a girl and has been stalking her. He’s been a way better defense against Yuu than Ryuu... just saying.

    ...Maybe it'd be better if I fix things with Ryuu, too. For extra protection.
    If I'm Male, I Can Avoid a Yandere, Right?
    Urban · SkyHighLimits
  • Dec_4Life

    Yeah, let’s taste test sweets made by the guy who drugged the MC in the game, that won’t end poorly....smh

    "Haha, really?" Yuu beamed happily. "I could make some for you every now and then. Oh, and you could be my taste tester for other things, too!"
    If I'm Male, I Can Avoid a Yandere, Right?
    Urban · SkyHighLimits
  • Dec_4Life
    Replied to Kerry_Glasco

    I get that, but then at least you’ve warned her he’ll likely damage her emotionally and let her be an ***** an make her own decision to be Gray’s flavor if the month. The “hey we suspect him of murder” warning was SO STUPID for two such cautious people.

    Keeley was a bit grumpy herself. Did she really not care about their warnings? Whatever, it wasn't her problem anymore. Alice was a grown woman and she was free to get involved with a psychopath if that was what she truly wanted.
    Run, Girl (If You Can)
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Dec_4Life

    I still don’t understand why they both told Alice they think Gray was involved in Lacy’s murder to keep her away from him. I fell like that’s WAY too much info to go blurting out just to keep her from possibly dating him and it could really come back to haunt them in a big way especially with a police investigation going on. I mean it would’ve been way easier, and just as effective to tell Alice, “listen he’s very charming but he only dates women and never has serious relationships”. Then at least she’d be wary but they would’ve have needed to go so far as, “he’s probably a murderer but we didnt tell the cops so if this gets our we’ll look like co-conspiritors.”

    Keeley was a bit grumpy herself. Did she really not care about their warnings? Whatever, it wasn't her problem anymore. Alice was a grown woman and she was free to get involved with a psychopath if that was what she truly wanted.
    Run, Girl (If You Can)
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Dec_4Life
    Replied to riori


    Why did this man sound so righteous? Before she could even open her mouth to rebut him, Mo Li already added. "Think about it. I know you are still stupid so I am giving you time. Either you marry me or I marry you. No other options are on the table."
    The Villain's Redemption
    Fantasy · TheBlips
  • Dec_4Life

    I made it 11 chapters into this book but it’s so poorly written it’s hard to get into the story. The story itself seems like it’d be interesting but I can’t get past all the grammar mistakes and poor pharsing. I keep having to reread paragraphs and decipher what the author meant to say because the wording just doesn’t make sense. It is definitely a tough read and there’s not much description. I mean, none of the characters physical traits were even described in the beginning except that the half sister Marga looked like pretty, well trained socialite, besides that it’s basically just up to the reader to guess on every character, hair/skin/eye color or body build.

    Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice
    Urban · TheIllusionist
  • Dec_4Life
    Replied to Gadusi_Crowe

    OMG! That’s what ive been thinking since they were in High School! Just give up on the stupid company.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Run, Girl (If You Can)
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Dec_4Life

    The only thing that really annoys me is that the simplest solution for him is to give up taking over his Dad’s company and it seems like he hasnt even considered it. I mean he was smart enough Harbard wanted to give hIm a full ride so its not like he wouldn’t have been able to still go and he cpild cut tirs wotj his family and Lacy definately wouldnt want him anymore if he’s penniless working his way through college on scholorship. Then he could make his own empire and Keely would be completelt safe.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Run, Girl (If You Can)
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Dec_4Life
    Replied to JomaRaeALark

    Just who I was thinking of...

    "Fertilizer," he answered her before picking up the shovel that was on the ground. Belle was now certain something had possessed her butler. Who gardened dead bodies?!
    Belle Adams' Butler
    Fantasy · ash_knight17