

2020-11-09 JoinedGlobal

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  • Agrizi_Can

    Ok this just made me want to drop this for a while. See you in six months.

    Ch 136 One last hope… – Chapter 136
    Green Life
    Action · KrisVFX
  • Agrizi_Can

    I wish my school had facilities like this.

    Ch 69 Chapter 66
    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can
    Replied to SailusGebel

    Anyway I have 1 final question. You said your uploads would be irregular? Care to elaborate on that? Are we talking about weeks/months between chapters?

    Ch 55 Intermission 3
    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can
    Replied to SailusGebel

    Aah, closer to home then. I assumed India because of the Indian summer reference.

    Ch 55 Intermission 3
    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can

    All his friends sound like snakes. This dude is better off with Jesse. So this novel plays in India? Never knew that.

    Ch 55 Intermission 3
    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can

    Glad to hear that you all are healthy. Welcome back!

    Ch 47 Chapter 45
    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can

    Sorry for your loss. Take the time you need to cope.

    Ch 45 Chapter 43
    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can
    Replied to KrisVFX

    Aha nice nice, when can we expect a reunion?

    Ch 85 The girls in the cave! - chapter 85
    Green Life
    Action · KrisVFX
  • Agrizi_Can

    So, quick question. How strong is MC compared to Tatsuya? Didn't mc surpass him some time ago?

    Ch 85 The girls in the cave! - chapter 85
    Green Life
    Action · KrisVFX
  • Agrizi_Can
    Replied to Weezyf

    First off, he cut her off because she has feelings for him and hurt her because he can't reply to these feelings, but that doesn't mean he takes her feelings into consideration. Its stated that he never dated her as she tried to make advances yet met with a brick wall. Also, he saw her more as a burden, (the source of his headaches as he stated) It could be that he just wants to be free of this pressure (which was hinted A LOT). Secondly, liking the *** doesn't necessarily mean that goes hand in hand with liking the person who is giving her the ***. She might've loved it actually, but her ambitions and need for revenge has made her difficult to like Elrig. But given time, things change, people change, people realise and people adapt. This goes to aswell to Violetta as to Elrig, Mara , Joanna , etc. Thirdly, she knows he knows. Read that chapter again. "Joanna, you and I both know why this friendship is over." And leaves. She knows he knows. No denying it anymore and the reason she wasn't after the reason because she knew. He even said that she shouldn't let her past actions judge her choice of a new man. And lastly, and as I've said before, this is fiction mate. Your feelings and Elrigs feelings aren't the same, you ( and I) might not like it when a (step) mother sells her body for cash, but it's the world of theirs. I'd rather think the woman is trying to help her husband financially as Elrigs school is quite expensive. Again mate, don't mix these feelings of yours into the novel (again, judging by your previous and current comments). It isn't worth it. You're probably (correct me If I'm wrong) anxious to know what would happen, but keep your cool mate because trust me, even if you had all the answers, it won't help you feel any better. Just step away for a little while before continuing this and enter with a clear mind.

    Ch 43 Chapter 41
    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can
    Replied to SailusGebel

    Did kickboxing for 12 years* Freaking huge fingers.

    Ch 43 Chapter 41
    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can
    Replied to Weezyf

    My dude, there is no cucking, no simping, no cheating (in my eyes). So feeling pity for Elrig is unnecessary. Elrig has no emotional connection to them and he has no intention of screwing his stepmom (gross). And wouldn't give 2 flying f**ks if they started to ignore him. And judging by your previous comments, I can tell that Joanna is your main concern. Joanna is probably going to become one of MC's girls (since this is a harem I think?) and the fact that violleta liked the screwing she received makes her a potential harem girl as well. Just wait patiently if you are willing to read on. But I do think the author is right, some novels with NTR and betrayal in could ignite some gut wrenching feelings and thoughts that would do more harm than good. Just keep remembering that it's all fiction and keep your head up. Also a question for the author: are you engaged in martial arts yourself? Quite curious as I've been doing kickboxing for 1w years yet have never considered fly-kicking someone straight to the face haha. At least none that could knock

    Ch 43 Chapter 41
    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can
    Replied to SailusGebel

    Good, reduces the emotional damage

    Ch 43 Chapter 41
    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can
    Replied to SailusGebel

    Does greg know?

    Ch 43 Chapter 41
    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can
    Replied to SailusGebel

    Ya Legend, keep up the good work!!

    Ch 40 Chapter 38
    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can

    Yooo this is getting fun!!! Thanks for the update! Can you spoil us a little on what would happen once he beat up Reid?

    Ch 40 Chapter 38
    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can
    Replied to Agrizi_Can

    Cuckold* no idea why it corrected to cuckoo XD.

    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel
  • Agrizi_Can

    I don't usually write reviews, but this story deserves some clarification. NTR carification: scroll to the bottom. The writing quality is good. There are some things that could've been done differently, but overall it's decent enough for me to take it seriously. Updating stability: 33 ish chapters in 2 and a half months. Worth the 5 stars. Story developement: its developing, but it's getting mundane. It seems that it's on repeat with him going to the gym and back which prompted me to give it 3 stars. The lemons are good and is a reason I added another star. Character design: diverse. I like that. A few are cowards while others are badasses. I wont go much into details but it's cool and got me liking Jenny A LOT (best girl). World design: I really think this could do better. I get that it's a big city and all, but I feel like it could use more details. Alright, the NTR. It's REALLY mild. This isn't even a cuckoos as the MC and childhood friend NEVER DATED. The NTR happened before the story sets in and MC doesn't even give a shit as he doesn't care for her. She does love him and is quite possessive, so she be crazy. What I'm trying to clear is that you shouldn't feel discouraged on reading this because of the NTR tag. It's really mild and I get it if it's still painful for some, but try to read until you get to the chapter where Jenny comes in a second time. This stuff gets good after that. (Wont spoil too much)

    Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
    Action · SailusGebel