


Unreliable and Procrastination are the two words that describe me. Also, I know my profile pic and name are edgy and very crappy, so don't remind me.

2020-11-03 JoinedUnited States

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  • CrazyGrimReaper

    First of all, in no way do I think this piece deserves my own personal rating of 5/5, since when I compare it to famous published works such as Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, The Name of the Wind (King Killer Chronicles). However, this is a compliment simply because I can compare this work to another established title. The typical Fanfics in web novels are practically awful. Garbage grammar, garbage flow, garbage plot, garbage characters. They have talented main characters (AKA: MC's) who skip the training phase and easily overcome every obstacle. They are talented at everything and can learn everything easily and tackle their problems alone because everyone else is a burden to their greatness. This is different. It is slow and methodical like an official published title. It sets up the values of a character and sets realistic expectations. However, it is too slow. Even by my standards. I understand that the power system in Naruto is deep and intricate, especially with Chakra. However, dedicating so much time to this is not the proper way to structure the story. What the author is essentially doing is giving an elongated info dump. While instead of a normal info dump, he also writes a scene for each info dump, making it drag out more. The emotions and the characterization of the MC are phenomenal. It truly is the essence of putting an ordinary man into Naruto and giving them the difficult task of becoming a Ninja in a single year with no knowledge about practically anything. Many comments are about how weak the MC is, yet, these are comments from people who expect a power fantasy where there are no real threats. Think of every great literary piece made in the world. In One Piece characters are maimed and killed off, especially powerful pirates. The same goes with the main cast, physical and mental scars remain and they don’t always succeed in their endeavors. I can go a step further and tell you to think of Percy Jackson. Percy isn’t overpowered, he can’t defeat the Gods nor does he try at the beginning of the first three novels. He merely stops their plans. Does this make him weak? No, simply because the author doesn’t make it so that the MC wants to power scale to infinity and beyond and crush them with sheer power and not smarts doesn’t mean they are weak. Plus, the whole point of power struggles and fantasy is the feeling of growing weak to strong. Think of Solo-Leveling. The man does not become strong easily. He has to work for it with small quests and eventually fight and stake his life on the line. In the latter half, which is widely criticized for not being as good as the first, the author rushed things too much and falls into the trap of power escalation and making the story too boring. As for the dialogue, it is okay. I feel it awkward and weird at times, however, it is far better than anything on this site. He tries to convey characteristics through dialogue and I find that commendable. Right now, the major criticism I have of this work is the pacing. It is too slow and the information given is practically repeating itself now. Author, find the information you want to give and how you want to give it, don’t try to add more fluff for the sake of “character development.” The whole point of pacing is to balance Plot and Characterization. Right now, the Plot is non-existent. The only Plot is to complete his training within a year. You need to add more to the plot. Like the bully which was a great way to shake things up. Along with the mental coma which was brilliant and well-foreshadowed. I’ll also give you a better mental example of how slow I think this novel is. For you, the inciting incident for the MC was probably meeting his teacher. However, for me, the inciting incident was failing the exam. It is a powerful moment in which you wrote well with the distinct contrast between the room and the result. In no way was meeting his mentor the inciting incident, the inciting incident is the motivation to pass and push himself further. It took 26 chapters and a lot of fucking words and a complete waste of a lot of my time. Cut-your-shit-down. Sorry. I am getting way too passionate. However, take pride you got the keyboard warrior in me out into the world. Simply because my criticism is to be constructive and to help you improve so me getting passionate means I care about this work a lot. I read your previous work, the harry potter one, and it was good. I think this one was better, simply because of what you are trying to achieve. The pacing in the Harry Potter fanfic was far better. Try to look for examples like Percy Jackson, him learning his powers and swordsmanship isn’t instant. It takes time and multiple scenes which not only add character but forward the Plot. Other than that, great job, I expect a lot from you because you have proven to write an absurd amount and have never shied in the face of childish tantrums that are the current reviews. Now a quick summary of my advice: Basically has no Plot and the plot never moves forward Characterization is extremely slow even though you are focusing on this instead of the plot! Scenes repeat information given from previous scenes and therefore aren’t needed, especially if it doesn’t add characterization Certain obstacles aren’t even noteworthy. Like the one where the inspection agent came to check in, it added nothing to the story and was never brought up again in extremely later chapters. Find ways to make it seem like the MC is improving. An extremely hard thing to do and something you have been trying to do. For instance, the Uchiha girl seeing the difference in his improvement. Showing off the clone-jutsu to the class. Fooling the instructor too! Actually lasting in spars now. I noticed most of them. However, I will give a piece of advice. Use the Uchiha girl more. 26 Chapters and the characters I know the most are the MC and the teacher Maruboshi. There is not enough diversity for the sheer amount of content given. Shake it up a bit. Add more of the Uchiha girl, the bully, the teacher. By now some of them should start interacting with him more and more and even then it was too late as they should have been interacting with him early on in the novel as well. Focus on more characters or at least character interactions with the MC and have them notice and acknowledge his changes in some way to finally add Plot or More characterization. Btw when I mean plot I mean challenges or obstacles which get in the way of the MC’s goals other than oh woe is me I am untalented and I need years to perfect my craft. I will now speak about characterization. I think it was fine, especially for the MC. However, there are some valid comments on the Main Character not acting his age. I think he was, it’s impossible not to be bothered by some child’s petty attempts to bully you, especially when you yourself are in a high stressed situation. If you’ve ever been a camp counselor for children, as an adult it can get frustrating from the children’s attempts to have their way and annoy you. Especially if you are put into the position to have a child’s body and you don’t have the authority nor command to stop it almost immediately. I think you need to stop shitting on him and actually show more things to like about his character. Maybe more self-depricating humor. Showing more of his will and how not many would go through the lengths to train as hard as him. Basically, show his good sides and not find a way to take a big ol’ dump on that. I have finished my rant. Hopefully, my advice is helpful. I won’t be doing this again for a long time. Btw gave it 5 stars since people are review-bombing it and it is way better than all the other garbage fanfics.

    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    Anime & Comics · FictionOnlyReader
  • CrazyGrimReaper
    Replied to King_Of_SpaceTime

    I have dropped both my other fanfics for various reasons. One was a My Hero fanfic while the other was a Mushoku Tensei. The mushoku one will probably never come to frution, however, the My Hero one I plan to re-make entirely. I don't think you need to worry about me dropping this one. However, my updates will no be fast. I can already see so many glaring issues with this chapter alone. It goes by way too fast and the pacing seems schizophrenic at times. I plan to slow things down and rewrite it. I also write more traditionally, so that means many of the first drafts that I put out would be re-edited and may be scrapped. This is a learning process for both you and me. I do thank you for the encouraging words. However, I hold myself to a high standard since I have been trying to improve. If it gets to the level where I make no progress and keep rewriting. Then I will ask loyal readers whether I should just continue with what I have or try and re-write once more.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Dan Machi: A Drunkard's Tale
    Anime & Comics · CrazyGrimReaper
  • CrazyGrimReaper

    I know my writing is terrible, but I strive to improve. It would be immensely helpful for you to take precious time to write a serious review. I hope it won't just be a 5-star review with the word good or emoticons. I want well-thought-out ones. Especially for bad reviews, since I will be taking those seriously as well to improve on my weaker sides in writing.

    Dan Machi: A Drunkard's Tale
    Anime & Comics · CrazyGrimReaper
  • CrazyGrimReaper

    I know that this was a hopeless dream but I prayed to the gods for one person to at least eat a zoan devil fruit that is modeled after the mantis shrimp in a One Piece Fanfic. Those things are true kings of nature.

    My body size felt a little weird in the beginning, but that didn't last long as I got used to my body and turned back to being a human. Also, I now know with 100% certainty what fruit I ate. It is the Bear-Bear Fruit: Model Grizzly Bear. My knowledge of bears wasn't encyclopedic, but getting this fruit might have helped me survive the starving ordeal, after all, bears are known as species who hibernate. So my body could have used that as a method to enter a lesser energy consumption stage, I remembered that back then even thinking was hard.
    One Piece: Desperate
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • CrazyGrimReaper
    Replied to Prince_of_Thieves

    A single person can change and affect millions. Like influencers Prince_of_Thieves. However, that change is TEMPORARY, it isn't PERMANENT. Why else to black lives matter movements and others always gain fame then die down. Why after decades do these movements still have to go on when many MAJOR influencers HELP these movements. The internet and social media can only make TEMPORARY changes as long as the people who are influenced don't forget and continue to take action, which is unlikely.

    It was sad… no, it was tragic. But it was not something we could change in a few years. Still, that doesn't mean we are not trying… we are. But a single person cannot change a million. It will take time for us to make a visible difference. (E/N: lies. A single person can.)
    DC: A Spatial Manipulator
    Movies · ToothlessS
  • CrazyGrimReaper
    Replied to Daichi_TBR193

    Kinda hoping for the author to pull a double one on us. Double-spy Toru, kinda like professor Snape in Harry Potter. Wouldn't be disappointed if the author actually had a compelling reason for Toru to turn to the dark side and become some semblance of a threat, because if she doesn't then there was literally no point to the whole trope.

    Ch 26 End of the first semester
    BNHA / MHA : The Musketeer Hero
    Anime & Comics · Daichi_TBR193
  • CrazyGrimReaper

    I respect the name Aramis that you gave him. Aramis from the lore of the three musketeers perfectly suits the MC. Though the moniker before needs to be better as I feel it is unsatisfactory. The name I would have gone for was: "The Unworthy Pillar: Thousand Thief" Which could basically acknowledge that he "steals" quirks and uses them, but still respects himself and his quirk while trying to be a hero. Even if it means having to act the part. A lot of people would misunderstand that he is being humble or making fun of himself but it has a double meaning for the MC. He knows he is not a true hero and is mostly unworthy to be a pillar, a thief who wants to steal a thousand quirks or even other things from people. So, he would pick this name to always remind himself of it and not get overconfident and egoistic with all the praise that he would be worthy of being a pillar or the greatest hero. In the end, he is a thief, but bears that negative title proudly and to the best of his abilities, tries to turn that negative title to a positive one.

    "I am... The Musketeer Hero: Aramis!" I announced.
    BNHA / MHA : The Musketeer Hero
    Anime & Comics · Daichi_TBR193
  • CrazyGrimReaper
    Replied to Spirits_everywhere

    Honestly, the guy could buy a lottery ticket and then say he won the lottery... That wouldn't be money made out of thin air and technically it would kind of be stealing from the person who would won, but let's be honest. The person who would have won would have blown through it all in a couple of years and gone bankrupt as most do with a sudden influx of money and the feeling of being rich.

    Satoru knew that he would have gotten to Yuuei in one way or another. The only reason he hadn't used his IDOW to make himself rich was that he wasn't that type of person. Otherwise, he would have just destroyed Japan in the first place. Why bother with all these people?
    MHA: Infinity and Deception
    Anime & Comics · Spirits_everywhere
  • CrazyGrimReaper

    I don't know why I enjoy this so much, probably because I don't really care about the writing and plot and just enjoyed it. If you're looking for an actual score then this is like a 3/5 for me. However, 5 for enjoyment and I understand if you don't enjoy this too! If your looking for a serious down-to-earth Pokemon novel then don't read this. This is not for you, don't take this novel seriously. Pros: - Couple of chuckles here and there - The author puts some personality for Pokemon - Intriguing concept - Nonsensical Plot Going everywhere (Can be a con) Cons: - Grammar is bad. Tenses are all over the place and I want to die reading them sometimes - Nonsensical Plot Going everywhere (Can be a pro for some) - Questionable actions and things that happen in chapters (It's not hard to ask questions about the origin of someone along with them knowing things about the MC that he doesn't know and they don't even try to look further? I guess the author is trying to foreshadow and make fun of the MC's transmigration later on but the way he did it is a bit questionable and unrealistic in the sense that humans don't really act that way) - Pacings a bit wack.... Things just happen and there is no sense of order to help the reader keep their interest. However, this novel is very early on so it can be fixed or edited later on.

    Pokemon: I Transmigrated in Pokemon World to Laze Around
    Anime & Comics · Kokekokoko
  • CrazyGrimReaper

    4/5 Stars: If you've read the novel Strange Grief Wants to Retire, The Silly Alchemist, or Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal and liked the novels then you would most likely love this novel too! This novel is just a series of coincidences with heavy plot armor, if you can't deal with those types of novels then don't read this. This novel isn't one to heavily analyze or even use your brain, it is just a fun novel with some comedy and cliche characters being used. One shouldn't be hung up or nitpicky with his lucky coincidences but simply turn of their brain and enjoy the ride. If you want a plot that makes sense, character development, non-onedimensional characters, then this novel is not for you. To go further into characters a bit, yes they are cliche and a bit one-domensional, however, they all play a part and role in the story and plot no matter how absurd and I tend to love some of the character interactions and reactions. In the end this is not a masterpiece nor am I a master of reviews so to truly find out if you want to read the story then just read the chapters! The chapters aren't super long and it wouldn't take too much of your time so just READ!

    I Am Really Not The Son of Providence
    Urban · Palace in the Clouds