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Saya suka ceritanya bagus, tetapi untuk merubah sifat karakter-karakter asli di Naruto menurutku tidak terlalu bagus dan saya suka dengan kemampuan overahul, saya harap kemampuan ini tidak terlalu merusak cerita ini kedepannya
this is why i hate the system, the system forces me to do things i don't like
Why is the Marvel world property here
whether you consider the reactions of other villages, or have you considered if the uchiha clan cooperates with other parties whether it will affect the hokage's actions, the hokage should consider that possibility.
don't worry grap will betray, even when ace is executed he doesn't do anything to help ace
Dan kenapa saat anda ditipu oleh perempuan,,,masih mengharapkan harem
Mera mera no mi fruit found by masked deuce in a box at a shipwreck on sixis island
Kalau Akainu membenci mc apakah dia (Akainu) akan menjadi bajak laut?