Un lecteur assidu, qui n'a pas vraiment l'habitude de laisser des commentaires, mais qui apprécie chaque histoire qu'il lit. Et qui attend avec impatience chaque nouveau chapitre.
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I found the ending funny, but seriously, he ran away from a handheld console that was about to give up. At worst, it would have broken its screen, and instead of just throwing it, the guy tried to run through the process, only to fall flat on his face and die. It's as funny as it is ridiculous, even more so when you consider how the protagonist was introduced to us. (Google traduction)
Zelda fanfics are quite rare so I really hope you can do it. Because of that, your story is brilliant, I always look forward to each new chapter, so thank you for everything you offer us. (Google traduction)
Où est passé le "Je ne donne pas d'alcool au mineur" ? Parce que jusqu'à preuve du contraire Sona est mineur.
Super chapitre. Et félicitations pour ton concours, content pour vous.
Ce chapitre ma donné une vibe de "Blasphemous". C'était génial.
I really like your fics. The character of Andre is, in my opinion, rather interesting. Having him question his current situation and not just accept the loss of his entire previous life makes him more human, which for me is a plus. As well as I have the insertion of the "High trix", with the pokemon transformations is what interests me the most. In any case, great fics, I can't wait to read more.
Why does the protagonist say he is 13? There should be 12. After all when he took the entrance exam it was said that he was 11 years old and in the meantime 11+1 months have passed, which is 1 year. Could someone please explain to me if I'm wrong somewhere. (Google trad)
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