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  • DoctorBlaze
    Replied to NiceReviewer

    As compared to the author saying they don't know English and is google translating everything. I'm honestly shocked how readable it is, so stop complaining over something so minuscule, just drop it if you can't handle it.

    'Hmm, let's see… I'm currently 7 years old, and at 11 i'll go to Hogwarts. After that there will only be trouble and disaster, and that will be the norm until the war starts, which would be in my 7th Year. In total, i have 9 years to train myself before the wizarding world goes into chaos, where 4 years will be self-taught.' I reflected while writing in my notebook.
    Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)
    Book&Literature · Se7en
  • DoctorBlaze
    Replied to InsanityX

    It's possible that reincarnating doesn't allow this natural hardwiring to occur, it depends on how the reincarnation is done. If the MC reincarnated into the 7 year old kid, then his memories/personality would need to be fit inside the brain of a 7 year old, which would cause all sorts of issues. Something would have to give, so he'd likely have to experience the emotional issues/irrationality most kids go through. This doesn't mean he'd inherit the hardwired attachment to his bodies birth parents, but I don't understand that much about how it works so I can't speak much about it. What likely happened from the context is he got some memories of the kid, but his personality is the dominant, so initially he'd have no attachments to the parents. From what I understand attachments, they don't just happen spontaneously, and erasing everything of that kid by reincarnating at 7 years old would reset this progress. Additionally with the personality of an adult, it'd be harder to get attached as he would have a more independent personality. Although if its been about 4 years he'd likely get some attachment to them, but there may be an underlying issue of disassociation, feeling like you dont belong, etc. This might be part of the reason that the MC didn't say anything to his parents if taken realistically, because he'd fear their response, and would worsen his existing mental issues with assuming the mental stability, memories, and body of a child. So I agree with you, he likely is suffering from some mental issues, I mean who wouldn't in this circumstance.

    I don't think they can replace my parents from my last life, but they still hold a special place in my heart. I could have kept myself cold and distant from them, but when I saw the love they had for me, and all the emotion they had at having their first child, I couldn't do something so… cruel. And I also think that because I'm actually their biological child, at least physically, I have a special connection to them that makes me really care about them... it's hard to explain.
    Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)
    Book&Literature · Se7en
  • DoctorBlaze

    The writing quality is abysmal, either English is not the author's main language, or they didn't put a lot of effort in. Many of these issues could've been adverted with basic grammar checking software or a proof reader. The story development is very hard to follow, and is held down significantly by the writing quality, if I can barely slog through a chapter then its fairly difficult to follow the overall story. The characters are very surface level, an issue with the extremely lacking dialogue, both in quantity and quality. Being a fanfic would normally help, but somehow the author fumbles the bag even with that. As for world background, it isn't that great. The novel itself is a fanfic so it has most of the work done for it, but any expansion of the world by the author, one of the main points of a fanfic, was executed poorly. Concepts are just introduced, with no real explanation, the magic system is just said to work some way with no real depth when introduced. For example: in the beginning it is alluded to that the MC uses some method to grow in magic ability, but it is hard to follow, and an explanation is stashed in a random paragraph mentioning meditation techniques or something about a couple chapters later. TL;DR This novel is mediocre, with poor writing quality, and not worth your time. The concept is interesting but executed poorly.

    Harry Potter - Another Dark Lord [COMPLETED]
    · Hiehie_
  • DoctorBlaze

    Wait until she hears you can just setup an LLC and straight up buy bodies from a morgue.

    Now, most of that can be solved with money, though I think it will probably be easier to get the food myself, unless you can just, like, buy body parts from hospitals or morgues or something.
    (COMPLETE) Jester~
    Anime & Comics · Bored_MC
  • DoctorBlaze


    Agility: 2
    Re: Evolution Online
    Fantasy · Yolohy
  • DoctorBlaze

    For anyone wondering why this novel is so short, it's because I have long since abandoned it, I may come back to writing, but I just don't have the time anymore.

    Ch 1 Capture
    Black Swarm
    Eastern · DoctorBlaze
  • DoctorBlaze

    Perhaps the store clerk knows of his future self, so he's referring to the present from the future which would be the past relatively, thus "had" is correct.

    "He had to," Aakesh expressionlessly responded while waving his hands. All the contents lying out returned to their respective shelves on their own after that.
    The First Store System
    Fantasy · pinaka_
  • DoctorBlaze
    Igen's eyes widened, he felt like a sudden emergence of boss music kicked up out of nowhere! 
    No Longer Available 2
    Sci-fi · Bobbydale_Murr
  • DoctorBlaze
    Replied to Bobbydale_Murr

    I haven't read far enough to know if you got the PC, but if you are struggling to write on a phone, there are some bluetooth keyboards that you can connect to a phone, they would be far cheaper than a pc. Although at the same time you have to consider the cost you have to spend that you could put towards saving for the pc. If you don't plan on gaming much on the pc you could aim for a chromebook, those are pretty cheap and laptops are nice to have. Also I haven't commented much on this novel, it's been a while and I've just gotten to binging a couple chapters, not really interested in commenting about the math/realism of the novel anymore and will just enjoy it.

    I fixed some issues in the other chapters. like Xerus is the wrong name its Xerixa. I noticed in the earlier chapters i never named the lady titan. So her name is Helen. Fixed a few other areas like descriptions and the likes. Starting from "Secret war" till now. This is a short chapter, i am working on more but im getting stumped on a few. Even with outlines of what the chapter should be.. ha..
    No Longer Available 2
    Sci-fi · Bobbydale_Murr
  • DoctorBlaze

    That isn't how a vaccine works, but sure maybe just some advanced medicine with the name "vaccine" slapped on it.

    Does a mere vaccine want to kill the main host? My virus quickly overwhelms and consumes the vaccines in the intramuscular route.
    Villain of Plague
    Urban · S_Takeshi
  • DoctorBlaze

    Dang that is some terrible reaction time, someone was even able to shout a warning. I mean who would go into a green cloud of gas cast by someone known to be a plague villain, guess these guys then.

    Many heroes who went into the cloud start to convulse, foaming in their mouths before they drop dead as they try to escape. Mere protective masks and gears are useless against my bio-weapon.
    Villain of Plague
    Urban · S_Takeshi
  • DoctorBlaze

    No good dead goes unpunished.

    Ch 6 I Wish…For You All To Rest in Peace (2)
    Outside Of Time
    Eastern · Er Gen
  • DoctorBlaze

    About the tungsten alloy, how would the armor prevent the insides of the ship from being ripped apart by the sudden acceleration by a solar flare, which can go up to speeds of 300,000 km per second? The armor could probably hold if it was made out of an alloy made out of the core of a star, but why would that prevent the crew and squishy internals from being turned into jelly? Anyways this chapter is quite nice, fixed my issue I had last chapter about the super nova and fixed the melting issue.

    Have any questions? I will answer them if you ask!
    No Longer Available 2
    Sci-fi · Bobbydale_Murr
  • DoctorBlaze
    Replied to Bobbydale_Murr

    Nah I wasn't stressing, was actually enjoying googling values and using online calculators, since it helped give inspiration for my own novel.

    No Longer Available 2
    Sci-fi · Bobbydale_Murr
  • DoctorBlaze

    I was probably a bit harsh of my critique of this chapter, but I still like the novel in general. Still think the power of the human's ships are ridiculous, and accelerating a stars life cycle to supernova makes no sense, but it doesn't drastically affect the novel as long as this crazy power scaling doesn't affect battles with the MC. My personal recommendations would either be to increase the size and power of the human weapons, or reduce the amount of power that they can put out, but that would require a weaker enemy.

    Ch 72 Ignus Enus
    No Longer Available 2
    Sci-fi · Bobbydale_Murr
  • DoctorBlaze
    Replied to Bobbydale_Murr

    Thanks for the response, also don't take my paragraph comments as hatred of the novel, its pretty good, far better than anything else i've read in a bit. My only real annoyance was the star species vs the human warships, but there are other fictions with far less realistic power scaling so eh.

    No Longer Available 2
    Sci-fi · Bobbydale_Murr
  • DoctorBlaze

    Updated review: The story is quite unique and the scale is incredible, I'll give this novel that. The major problems I have with the novel is lack of description. It just says things happen with no good justification, there are barely any units or measurements, and if your lucky barely comprehensible analogies. If it takes using dogs running an unstandard measuring unit and comparing it to regular humans and now to the super soldiers, why bother, just say he can now travel at 200mph with some flair instead of this horribly unnecessary method. Then comes the world's internal logic. With the later chapters around 60-72 you may see some of my paragraph comments that go into far, far more detail.

    No Longer Available 2
    Sci-fi · Bobbydale_Murr
  • DoctorBlaze

    Wait multiverse? Also why the h*ll is he using antimatter reactors, even if it costs barely any energy to make the antimatter, why not use the energy of the sun, if they got even 1% of its power they would've vaporized the enemy fleets. And if taking the super nova comment as canon, then at 1% the energy of a super nova could most definitely kill an ancient with the super weapon, if they are around the size of a couple large stars, if bigger it would still do an incredible amount of damage, potentially more since I only calculated this with 1% of a supernovas energy, 20 or so FOE which I calculated in a different paragraph comment. I'll just have to assume the super nova comment was dramatic flair, but still why antimatter reactors, considering this comment then the entire sun was engulfed in a dyson sphere with a huge amount of energy efficiency, probably above 50%. Since why go with antimatter reactors if you haven't already gotten a dyson sphere that fully engulfs the sun. If so could you at least give some numbers so I don't have to interpret every obscure generalized sentence for calculations.

    Ch 69 Devouring Swarm
    No Longer Available 2
    Sci-fi · Bobbydale_Murr
  • DoctorBlaze

    Wait so the structure did get away? All I read on the boarding chapter is they boarded the spear and then warped away, killing the elves onboard. Maybe I missed a couple sentences, did the elves board the structure? If so why did they even have a fighting chance if only a couple thousand human sized troops could clear a good section of their ship. How did they lose so many resources, from what I see here they warped the mega structure away, so wouldn't they still have the materials?

    Ch 69 Devouring Swarm
    No Longer Available 2
    Sci-fi · Bobbydale_Murr
  • DoctorBlaze

    Wait so the whales can get within range to bite them, if they aren't receptive to communication then why doesn't the target just start moving away, can they move faster than light? Or do they warp space to quickly travel and move, if so is this faster than light and fast enough to catch a whale unprepared, and how close do they warp to their victims? I'll delete this comment if how they beat the light speed of communication before attacking is described while I continue reading this.

    Ch 65 Secret War
    No Longer Available 2
    Sci-fi · Bobbydale_Murr