I don't have a life, hate harem, love monster mc, dungeon master and litrpg novels #burnharem
of reading
Read books
the problem is that the authors aren't creative. you don't need to have all magic elements to be diverse and powerful here I'll make one up on the spot a prodigious fire mage. they have extreme speed and near instant movement ability by using controlled explosions to propel them. it isn't all pure benefits though as this extremely hard to do correctly technique will always leave some burns and damage to the body and will be less cost effective than let's say a wind boost spell but in exchange much faster for crowd control they can make a spell that instead of creating a big fire creates a lot of the by product of fire- smoke. so when he throws spells he launches a few smoke balls to create chaos. for attack he won't just use a fire ball he will create a dense ball of fire that has an outer layers of fire mana with a focus on incineration so it goes inside the target and a core layer of explosive mana so when it's inside it explodes and deals great damage. further to make the fireball even better the mage has a hole in the back that he controls with which he allows some of the explosion mana to launch through propelling the fire ball with much more speed making it impossible for anything other than a top elite to block. see I just made an interesting powerful build with synergy and tactics in mind without just saying "umm he has 5x mana pool and can throw dozens of fireballs" cause that's boring and unoriginal
and why should I waste my time with an unresponsive system when this multimillion company could put in an edit feature
well yes if someone ignores all facts and is set on their baseless beliefs they won't care about historic evidence that show that the sword isn't the master of all weapons they believe it is
any recommendations dot stories with actual good grammar and cohesion? I used to read here a lot like five years ago but since my English and standards have gotten a lot higher/ better so most things on this website seem unreadable. sooo do you have any interesting stories to recommend? ty
I just read the synopsis and it's unreadable lol
-and this has been his only opportunity in all those hundreds of life's of torture at having a life. if he were to have that mind set then he'd die on this world within a week of doing magic.
why not? it gives life to a story and he was a semi important character as the first kill of the mc and as we've gotten a Pov chapter of him
oh so he isn't alone then!
the author literally replied to you and said you are wrong and that proficient mages can't use toki. what you did was not an educated guess based on what info we've had so far it was just a guess with no solid bases on this story's system. if I write in a hundred books that the mc will in the future get fire mana I will be right a few times but that wouldn't be basses on valid information just chance
what do you want? five chapters of world building before anything can happen? 😂