too much time on my hands
of reading
Read books
why didn't he just use a few of those attacks against their ships when they first arrived?
Wait until earth gets a look at the size of the visitors' space fleet.
Seems you are misinformed. The evidence of illegal immigrants being caged turned out to be photos taken during the previous administration's occupation. Obama was the one responsible for that embarrassing incident. Regardless, the real culprits were those trying to cross a border illegally.
nice try, but I'm pretty sure the actual translation would be " not bad....not bad"
Didn't 6 Star pinnacle master teacher Mo Gaoyuan, from the master teacher pavilion, check the recorded master teachers only to not find any record of his teacher? Seems an elder of the master teachers' headquarters would not only be listed, but we'll known as well.
I'm laughing out loud now. I put this novel aside a month ago to let the chapters build up, and today caught up on those chapters. it was pretty easy, a whopping 4 chapters.
since you are letting me play with yours......
So apparently, Seven Spirit wasn't on the list either.
Now, that's some military industrial complex reasoning if I ever heard any.