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she totally wants dat homunculussy
lol these 2 just got completly offscreen for the main fight lololol
uhoh thats not good. hope my boi doesnt hurt them.
getting chills. raven fucking recking the undead kings shit
dam thats op af
this is a pretty fun read story is good and the action is great. i like the characters too. the pacing of the story is pretty good too and it doesnt get boring because there is a lot of fight sceens. definitely worth reading im enjoying it a lot so far.
Overall this novel is pretty good, the protagonist is interesting and while the story is not that amazing it's still pretty interesting and good enough for a fun read
I'm really enjoying the new chapters the story is getting great. The characters are really likeable and well written too. The powers are a bit simple but easy to understand so its good Cant wait to read more
Pretty cool concept. It's still early but good start so far Really like that the characters are so diverse too and their powers are pretty interesting
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