


My stories were not personal experiences but rather a result of a creative process. I want to be mysterious as possible. That is the goal.

2020-08-07 JoinedPhilippines



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  • ags2020b
    ags2020b4 years ago
    Replied to Chan_Joe

    Any link of the website?

  • ags2020b
    ags2020b4 years ago

    Thanks for the heads up. just load it in grammarly and found 79 errors and made changes. The story though has its reasons. Thanks for reading.

  • ags2020b
    ags2020b4 years ago

    The historical description is well researched, even the weather, or book authors cited with lists. This may be off putting to some considering that most reader want the first three chapters as engaging as possible. But this maybe the author's narrative style, even the use of words, and flow of sentences. But as you go along, the conflict is slowly revealed from among the characters, with lots of dialogue and this may be intentional to keep reader glued. Nice book. Keep it up!

  • ags2020b
    ags2020b4 years ago

    Some reader would truly appreciate the historical facts...I guess a lot more would want Tania's story rather than historical facts. But I guess it is just your style.

  • ags2020b
    ags2020b4 years ago

    interesting historical facts

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  • ags2020b
    ags2020b4 years ago

    An is repetitive....An only child of her parents.

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  • ags2020b
    ags2020b4 years ago

    This is about a novel within a novel which makes me think maybe the inside novel being referred to is not "shitty" as the narrator suggests but more exciting in my opinion because why would the author tell it? and tell in his POV. Anyways, each writer has his own style, originality, point of view and this novel has lots of check points on that. But this has gained a lot of hits and more popular that I thought. Go ahead this is a good premise and would attract fans of this genre. I am more into dialogue intensive novels but you will certainly gain a lot of fans from this game world system genre as this is the current trend. Thanks and have fun!

  • ags2020b
    ags2020b4 years ago

    try inserting.....who this woman might be -- its kind of complicated--

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  • ags2020b
    ags2020b4 years ago

    in is bed to...in his bed...

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Run on Shadow's Edge

Forensic Jorge Velez is on the heels of a series of murders but the events unfolding may have already happened. His team found intertwined events, unusual evidences, strange disappearances, time lapses, and feeling of 'deja vu'. In order for them to truly find out what is happening they literally need to run towards the shadow's edge and fell 150 meters below. -------- Did he just walk inside a top secret military program? Where is Dr. Molina? What is his purpose in inviting him? The electric noise was literally raising all the hair on his arms. There were sudden huge sparks that could literally fry and it randomly  hit the floor and the tall ceiling above. What is this place? There is something massive going on and he needed to understand what this is all about. "Impressed?" A man behind him asked. It was Dr. Molina. He removed his goggles and grabbed Jorge's arms. "I could see you are in a confused state. Come inside the briefing room." Confused is an underestimation. Jorge was literally in a state of shock. Inside the briefing room, Jorge's hand was trembling as he drank a glass of water together with his medication. He needed something to calm himself down. The voices he heard in his radio, the message from Colonel Riva, and this massive thing in front of him is just too much to process in the blink of an eye. He needed to slow down. "What's going on?" Jorge's asked as Dr. Molina pore over the result of many of his experiments. "What you see is what you get Jorge. It's the real deal. A time machine." Jorge felt his breathing stopped. He heard it loud and clear. A T-I-M-E machine.

ags2020b · Sci-fi
154 Chs