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It doesn't but that doesn't mean they should be publicly available and require a license that is laughably easy to get.
favorite fanfic for a damn while, only thing I can think of at this level is age of charon but that went on hiatus at only like 55ish chapters.
this is great, unfortunantly on hiatus for now at 99 chapters, but hopefully the author will keep up on their two books!
I hate myself but this is the first and only thing that came to mind "This is my furSONA"
I'm sorry but isn't she 11? and he is 18? Because she is a first-year and he is a seventh...
I'm assuming the letter was about how Regulus betrayed Voldemort by throwing out his signet ring and Horcrux. Now he has to find it.
Also want to point out that the density is just stupid IMO. Making yourself and the animals around you heavier and less capable of stealth is an interesting choice.