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  • dOLly

    that queen angle or whatever should learn from her own daughter about being a mother_😒 amazing story author....💓💓😚

    "A woman might be a daughter, a friend,a lover, a girlfriend, a wife or even a sister! But when a woman becomes a mother, She would never compromise with being a mother even if she would have to give up all the other things!"
    The Devil's Bride: War of Endless Love
    Fantasy · ARU
  • dOLly

    wow...I am just so feeling exciting as the story is quite much different__i liked how the novel is proceeding...💓😚💓😚

    "That's right! We knew that you were a villain but you are just a kid. You are innocent, you haven't done any of those deeds. In our eyes you are just a kid not a villain."said Lin Xia/Mia's Master
    Raising the Adorable Villain but why did it turn out this way?
    History · ling_hua
  • dOLly

    oh my_stroy ml if falling for original ml _& story fl is falling for orginal fl _ wow just great ....🤭😄

    Su Ziya was mesmerized by Lin Xia's smile. Her heart was beating rapidly, her face turned red.
    Raising the Adorable Villain but why did it turn out this way?
    History · ling_hua
  • dOLly

    that's quite a intriguing plot of ml being reincarnated too....💓💓😚

    He felt weird, even though he should be mentally older than her, but he had shown an unreliable side to her.
    Raising the Adorable Villain but why did it turn out this way?
    History · ling_hua
  • dOLly

    seriously guy-you said 'SURPRISE' __if I were in the fl place I would surly said- fu@# with your surprise _i mean I can understand fl situation & she is being reasonable & rational _ And yes if ml is not sly or cunning then how can he survive in his royal life (as he is not favoured as we know) ....,🤭😜

    "Ah, technically, I didn't because you never asked if I was a prince," he said sheepishly. "Surprise!"
    Oh My, I Messed Up the Story
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • dOLly

    gosh...., so sly as expected from main characters....😚💓

    "Dearest Katie, it is so nice to see you again. I hope you have been well since our last meeting? The raspberry tarts were delightful but nowhere near as delightful as your company."
    Oh My, I Messed Up the Story
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • dOLly
    Replied to Mynovel20

    ....😅 ...I really meant it author , you know this is the first story of genre- romance-hurtful but beautiful tragedy-a true strong minded character _ I have many words, that I want to appreciate your story but I am afraid I will lose my lines while appreciating because everything about your story is just so amazing & exciting that I just want to give you a -thanks hug-🤗 I wish the best for your story & you _[my true feelings & thoughts about your story]😚☺️❤️

    Ch 1151 In My Dreams
    Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband
    Urban · Mynovel20
  • dOLly

    oh gosh__i really liked the lu lijun personality _i mean he is very loyal, dominating, straightforward, honest and never giving up man __i mean he follow and do things which his mind & heart wants __he careless about anyone's opinion in his life __he is really a cute -dominating stubborn guy....,😚😚 And yes he too have beautiful heart 💓 but only for his loved ones...,💕 He is also the perfect example of male lead💘 Lu qiang is also a perfect male ...,he is gentle towards his loved ones and he is the one who is binding everyone's happiness ..., and yes he is selfless too ..., he forgives his family member mistakes and he is too good to be true ..., 🥺😽😚 The author did the great job for making this two wonderful male leads _And yes our flis also not any less.., she is lioness from outside and from inside she is cute little squirrel __ I appreciate author for making this great characters and yes the emotions & feelings you had expressed is very brilliant __i can feel feelings , emotions and thought process of characters very well...,😘☺️ thanks for your updates & novel _Quite a big comment..,😅

    Ch 1151 In My Dreams
    Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband
    Urban · Mynovel20
  • dOLly

    hmm_the fl who can turn love rival into good supporter of her's then she is truly amazing __looking forward to your amazing story ___[img=recommend][img=recommend]

    Ch 140 Power Of Winning Hearts!!!
    The Devil's Bride: War of Endless Love
    Fantasy · ARU
  • dOLly

    HELLO author_i wonder if you will continue this story ??🥺 _The story plot is very interesting and the main characters personality is very satisfying

    Ch 1 CHAPTER I
    The General's Imprisoned Desire
    Fantasy · a_lady_in_blue
  • dOLly

    I think best ending I could ever have_zoe's last words to angel where much more sensible_its all delusion for jake to think he loves her

    Ch 49 Hold onto me, please
    Mine - Her Hazel Eyes Under My Possession
    Urban · Breezy_Boo_
  • dOLly
    Replied to Loneliest_Empress

    I will surly support you & your hard worked story _and yes, I should be thankfull that for your work which different from others _lots of love for you & your story 😚☺️💘

    Husband doting wife: Emperor Gu's shameless perfect bride
    Urban · Loneliest_Empress
  • dOLly
    Replied to dOLly

    And if a reader is reading my comment _please read this story though it's tragic but it has its own very brilliance _in my view this story should be MUST-READ-STORY 😽_i am not exaggerating but my genuine opinion 🙃

    Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband
    Urban · Mynovel20
  • dOLly

    Thanks for your wonderful novel_author _ lots...of love for your best work _i really liked every character of this novel , the emotions , plot story is just so-so perfect _there is not even a single complain towards your story from my side _everything is just so perfect _i mean the family love,the elders or younger generation of fl &ml sides are such good definition of family relationships or good parenting or jolly people _in this ml&fl side people are such heart warming supporters and doesn't judge anyone character by some misunderstanding or anything _i really love the previous ml as he is just invicible and had very beautiful heart from all over the characters 💘🥺_though I know but his death is also unacceptable to me because I feel that he should have got the happiness of being father or lover but it's just got snatch away from him _so I feel bad about it but I don't blame author for this _i also liked present ml character as he just the advanced version of privious ml _but yay he will get hard time chasing fl but ofcourse our privious ml love isn't the love that could be moved on easily _ And overall your way of expressing heartwarming moments, sad moments , characters emotions and their behaviour I really loved it _my sincere appreciation for this novel and best of luck for future updates it's really lengthy comment as I am pouring my feeling out (that I do habitually when I loved the novel to much extent) while I am silent reader_☺️ ____💘💕❤️

    Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband
    Urban · Mynovel20
  • dOLly

    Author_your story is just the unique-awesome-amazing😽😚 _i really loved your novel from bottom of my heart_i mean the fl character is so-so interesting and I very much liked the fact that for goodness sake this fl is already hooked up with her life and enjoyed her life the way she wants 💘_if we search for one bad boy story there will exceeds limitless (with ml being arrogant , prideful, womanizer or playboy or one who bullied or harras the fl and the dumb fl foolishly fall in love with him ) but this story not just serves the justice that fl can also be play girl or arrogant or any type bad girl _but also she is such a adorable and cool shameless goddess _Even though ml is soo..in truly love with our fl or he accepts however she is or she is the first to him in any romantic way or he loves her so much _or he is sad or in grief that he is not able to be her lover in past _i am do not feel any pity or sympathy for him , I just wish good for him being together with her now and yes I liked his character & him _its just that many authors are so busy in with love story with bad boys that I feel injustice _i want that fl can be also strong bad girl or live the way she wants_i loved the character of [mo ai] and also the characters of her family or anyone related to her _ And I loved that how story is going on -till the chapter I read _And I wish good luck for your further updates , I will be waiting for your future amazing updates patiently so you can take your time for this story to make it more amazing _i wish you good health and thanks for this story _well quite a lengthy comment but I seriously appreciate your work so I am just pouring out my feelings ☺️ I held no grudges against any author...just that it's what I think & feel _ 🙃

    Husband doting wife: Emperor Gu's shameless perfect bride
    Urban · Loneliest_Empress
  • dOLly

    it's quite a thing when ml figure out his feeling towards fl when he spend the least time with her_it proves that ml is very good at figuring out things around him or inside him_when ml is total in love with fl or aware of her personality there is no trust issues_ in many stories when there is slow burn romance there is trust issues _that's why I like slow burn romance but it's shows too much complicated with misunderstanding or trust issues_i like first sight love but there should be good story line or interesting characters _{my p.o.v , no offense to other stories}

    The first time he met her he knew she was different but now meeting her again he knew that his interest was more than curiosity. A dark feeling grew inside him, he wanted to her to be his and only his. Possessiveness filled him but he kept it deep inside lest he scares her away. He was not going to let her escape from him time and time again, he will win her heart and mark her as his.
    Fatal Attraction : The CEO & his Mischievous Wife
    Urban · WinterQween
  • dOLly

    Author_Indeed a good story line !! the way of moments or past , present and situations are done very satisfying _as in many stories there will be no past of weak fl,but in this story here there is all sides of fl _ at present fl is not really strong but she is well aware and growing strong spirit (thought by heart she is cute idiotic unaware women in some situations 😚) _here male leads are very gentlemenly guys towards fl 😘_And on top of all this is a fantasy story _lots of love to your creation☺️_though I rarely comments (because as I am silent reader) but I genuinely liked your work _i wish for your amazing creation 💗

    The Devil's Bride: War of Endless Love
    Fantasy · ARU
  • dOLly

    I really like this our smart and naughty fl_And how the enemy becomes friends _story plot is unique as well _looking forward to your updates ☺️😚

    This chapter has been deleted.
    When The PlayBoy Meets The PlayGirl
    Urban · Pakohoshino29
  • dOLly

    Job well done author_i am enjoying your story _as the main leads are very sensible and have good awarness _the two ml are very rational and have great character _i mean they didn't judge fl before knowing her _story plot is very intriguing and even though you have grammatical mistakes but the story line and characters personality are what I am enjoying_thanks for this story and looking forward to your updates _😻😽😚

    The Devil's Bride: War of Endless Love
    Fantasy · ARU
  • dOLly

    I like Adrian personality , like he is a good man _i mean it's not like he is having thought any stupid second thoughts _from his thoughts only I am satisfied with his personality _dont know about future

    He liked kids more than the mother of the kids. They looked extremely adorable and cute to the point that he immediately wanted to capture them and close them in the cage so that only he could see them.
    The Devil's Bride: War of Endless Love
    Fantasy · ARU