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  • Said_Mdoihoma
    Said_Mdoihoma3 years ago
    Replied to n009

    Merci Je suis revenu sur le moment de la mort LQ enfet je une aversion pour MR car il était a 2 doigts de commettre un viol, et j'aime pas son personnage LU lian je la trouve attachant MR ne la mérite pas! oublion pas MR vien du famille de violeurs, mtn cas fait du coup LU han avec MR, car pour l'instant on sait pas tro mait les meurtri se sont servi de ca pour le déstabiliser se qui a conduit à tous ça. Sinon vs les action Que MR a fait edque pour vs c'est un homme digne confiance il était près a tout pour prend JY, Sinon je remercie l'auteur pour son livre qui me coupe le souffle il fait partie de mes top, je suis tellement attaché aux personnes.

  • Said_Mdoihoma
    Said_Mdoihoma3 years ago
    Replied to Lucasken

    I do not understand why the author is insisting with lu lian and ming r the guy does not deserve it he is complicit in the murder of lu liqian the big brother of lu lian it is unforgivable, then when lu lijin is the truth he will surely attack all those Who are linked what will lu lian do in this case, she will destroy her other brother for a guy this illogical, the best read lian should go with wen zec because he too was injured by the ming family it's a perfect match to make them regret because if this me I destroy any person linked to the death of my brother😡😡😡😡

  • Said_Mdoihoma
    Said_Mdoihoma3 years ago
    Replied to Lucasken

    There are a lot of things that are not logical dear author, I came back to reread the chapters, that the guy made an unforgivable person with a mind could not forgive, how a couple can build himself with one of the murderers of his own family hoping they will never be together lu lian and ming it's better wen guy both are hurt by this family it's them they heal together