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I'm the author of this book and I think I've done a great job. I wish people who read my novel a pleasant day. Thank you and have great day ^^
oh come narrator, just do your job
totally me when the sense of responsibility kicks in
mfs held a grudge against the protagonist XD
First, I apologize for answering late The ambiguity I pointed there is the character named Don. I was thought he was a friendly guy but it turned out that he become a dog ? or something similar I don't even know about it more since I was read it until chap 3. Sorry for the inconvenience tho.
The story quite hard to follow at the start and there's some ambiguity which has to be a plot hole or so. But the good point is that the variety of the vocabularies. The story is rich of words and a good lesson for us to study English language more. Though, I'm stopped at the second chapter of the story since the MC somehow become cheeky af. The story is complicated to understand and the story development is jumped from a very high hills deep into the depth of the abyss real quick But overall, it's a good story to enjoy👍
Ceritanya keren parah. Mengingatkan zaman nobar narnia di tv bareng keluarga. Yang paling menjengkelkan sih tetep protagonis utamanya. Tapi uniknya temen-temen/karakter disekitarnya mau aja ngobrol sama deket sama dia gitu. Overall this story is good and excellent to be precise. Good for you who want to feel an adventurous fantasy reading experience.
What's extraordinary from the story is that the story is rich of words so you may not be able easily getting bored. The story so far is cool, I like the dark fantasy theme thingies. The author is brave enough to write the story which I am never will Great story tho, I like this
The great thing about the story is that the storytelling is quite calming even the background of the story isn't. Pemasangan karakternya yang cukup unik juga membuat suasana dalam cerita semakin menarik. Namun sebaliknya, dialog cukup datar. Ini cerita emang enak buat lagi gabut atau apalah semacamnya dan gak terlalu bikin pusing juga di awal-awal sehingga kamu bisa mengikutinya dengan nyaman.
just wait till you heard about the girl's secret and backstory