if reincarnated in pokemon this would be my dream team Riolu, Froakie, Bulbasaur, Ralts, Gastly, Magnemite, Alolan Vulpix, Gible, Torchic, and Zubat...oh and Magikarp they would evolve of course.
of reading
Read books
pretty much the god of that world is still adding updates
I can't read the brown one what does it say ?
the story was going well until a major time skip without explaining that it happened straight to the big tournament
.....it's spacial tech i don't care what the pokemon company or anyone says
yes but i bet they are also filled with peeenisss drawing
hydreigon could be one of it's parents as it can learn dragon dance and crunch I'm fairly certain
i looked it up Charizard can't learn sunny day....it's ability is more of a liability
having an ability that practically doesn't exist based on the weather is kinda bad
he could of traded or gifted it