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Thank you for understanding. I hope to continue writing soon.
Dear Count Hazy, I hope you are well. Thank you for your kind words. My studies are going well and my pursuits in enriching the minds and hearts of the commonfolk seem to be doing well. The next chapter of my tomes should be arriving shortly. I fare the well, Hazy. Best regards, from Inker.
A chapter comment, I haven't seen one in centuries! Also, not super active, also may have overwhelmed myself with way too many ongoing stories at once, but I will try to get more out in the near(ish) future!
Alright, thanks. I will see about contacting the Webnovel admins and see if they can help out.
Thank you for informing me, I have taken a look and confirmed the fact that it has been taken. As far as I can tell, the site is made up of books that are taken from other sites and republished there. The individual who is republishing my works is an admin known as HoangThuy, they have republished around 17,000 works. They group books together by the original author. All of my books are listed under 'books by this author.' At the very least, they seem to credit the original authors, however, I do think they should still contact the original authors and get their permission. I will attempt to contact them as soon as I am able to make an account, however, it does not seem to be working as of now. Once again, thank you very much for bringing this to my attention, I will attempt to make my response swift and tactful.
Hi Ava! Unfortunately, I do not plan to sign anything for my books as of now. I have already gotten an offer from Webnovel that I am hesitant to sign and would honestly prefer to stray away from signing any contracts. Contracts tend to scare me a bit as it makes me scared that I may lose creative property or even be unable to play the story how I would want it. Overall, I thank you and good novel for the offer, however, I do not plan to sign anything. Furthermore, I enjoy my privacy and do not want anyone, and I mean anyone, to know my identity. This is my alt for my 18+ works that I find to be too much for my more T rating works. Please do have a wonderful day, and once again, thank you for contacting me.
Right, also, I'm an idiot, sama can refer to when they are talking to the mistress's children as they are technically of higher standing.
Also, Levin is older, he is the eldest of all the siblings. (Ie, sama refers to the older sibling.)
You are referring to direct meaning. The language is complex, so I can see why you would think that, however, Onee only uses its direct meaning when referring to them to other people. In an example, let's say someone is introducing their sister to someone else, if the are younger, they would say this is my imouto (Kore ha Ore/Watashi no imouto-desu) Whereas if they are introducing their older sister they would say this is my onee. (Kore ha ore/Watishi no Onee-desu) That is when introducing, however, with direct reference, you can refer to your sister directly using onee, or just nee while using the honorifics chan or san, in this manner it does not dictate whether one is older or younger. Sama is only used in reference to older siblings unless there is good reason to use it for a younger sibling. (Basically, Levin should have said Onee-san, but he said Nee-chan as diminutive phrasing.) To sum it up, to just say sister, you use onee or nee with either chan or san, to say litte sister you say imouto.
Thanks! I am hoping to get more out soon!