I am an avid Sci-Fi reader. I prefer an upbeat, save the day kind of MC, but as long as a story is riveting and interesting, I'm willing to give it a read. Especially if you include novel concepts.
of reading
Read books
I hope I'm "not" intruding
As of 2024, the world's population is estimated to be 8.2 billion people.
Hmm. OK. That makes it sound more reasonable. Thanks.
Well, if you shoot for average, that's what you'll get. If your aim is fairness in gaming, while picking your stats, you've broken your character and your purpose in playing.
So perception... i.e. evil rumor mongers can steal your good karma by spreading lies about you?
Sorry, but it isn't coming across as a moti action issue. They were saved, regardless of the motivation or method of saving. The term you're looking for is altruism. So, you didn't save us out of the graciousness of your heart. You had an ulterior motive.