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with this all the ML criteria was met..
So the original ye shaohua should have a happy live, but end up tragic due to ye ke rebirth??
I've been able to hold my laugh till now, but this really got me laugh hard
she never see her bank account with only around 100milion 😂
souldnt it be 99.9% to for tang fei to be her mother??🤔
Don't worry, I guess you will be in the same company soon
Yeah I dont like his deceitful act but I don't like the potential ML either.. Please author, give us another great, handsome and powerful ML
Although the chance is small, I still hope she will end up with another male lead. I don't care even there are misunderstanding between them, but the fact that he hurt her will never change. Not all broken piece can be repaired, and not all mistake can be forgiven.. Well even she forgive him someday, the broken part will never be the same as before..
Yeah just keep digging your own grave.. faster better...
Accidentally found this story and end up bawling in middle of night.. It's only 49 chapters, but the author able to describe each character feeling and struggle due to sudden lost and regain in their live with 40 years gap between female lead and other characters, especially with the male lead.