I am not telling you anything. 🤐
of reading
Read books
Basically if you are super close, the benders can practically shoot fire point blank with 0 chances of u dodging but if u are even a couple metres away that's more time given to you to dodge an incoming attack. Firebenders can create their own fire
I know it will be slightly out of character ish thing but this would've been a great moment to tell garp he knows about Ace and who he really is
Remember we are dealing with a Mc who isn't well versed in the lore too much he knows the gist but not enough to know what when happened outside the main plot.
Yup that's the whole point of his character a biased undeserving leader
You never know what to expect honestly. He isn't completely familiar with ATLA so it's like you never know if he encounters someone like Iroh or even Zuko. Hell Zuko is helluva monster or even jeong jeong.
Is there?
Icl Im rereading this and I wrote this like a week ago so I forgot a lot of the lines and I thought I wrote "You've got girth"
if only I had a system 😭. Bit this system isn't like most bs system you have to work for everything you get except some more farfetched skills
I think I will add borders around the text then from now on. Thanks for the review <3