


Welcome to the Drone Dome, my favorite genre is fantasy and I hope it's your too. I like to torture myself with a bit of horror. I'd like to know you too as you help yourself to my collection.

2020-06-17 JoinedNigeria



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  • Drone_dome
    Replied to KaranameKira

    The only thing he asked for was the sister of a comrade... Taking that literally sounds wrong

    However, Xia Ruofei's attitude had always been neither servile nor overbearing. The only thing he asked for was actually for the sister of his comrade.
    God-tier Farm
    Urban · Gentleness In A Steel Gun
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to Butterblock


    Eleven was severely injured.
    The Great Genetic Era
    Eastern · Pig Sanbu
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to Ahmed_Alfadel


    Then, Li Lin stomped on the phones crazily and cursed, "Bi*ch, w*ore! I was so nice to you! Why do you have to cheat on me? Why did you sleep with another man? Am I not handsome?"
    Mages Are Too OP
    Games · Soaring Flames
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to Patrat

    I would also love the Pop up notifications of systems... It would really help with my procrastination problem.

    This should be a quest, but why isn't there any notification? thought Roland as he looked at Falken's back.
    Mages Are Too OP
    Games · Soaring Flames
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to steven_king_1571
    Of course, if Chen Yiming took the initiative to pursue her, she could forget about the unhappiness between them and test his patience before deciding whether to be his girlfriend.
    I Can Enhance My Talents Using Unlimited Skill Points
    Sci-fi · Dreamscape Superman
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to Trenard_Francis

    Okay, I kind of feel guilty because I did this to my cousins too but it was some console games instead of toys 😅😅 I did it like twice until I saw one of my cousins cry about his missing game before I came clean. After that I miraculously realised that I could ask to borrow the games instead of stealing them... I don't know what my child mind was thinking before 🤦🤦 Oh well, I was 9 years old at the time and I haven't stolen fry cousins

    Chen Shaojie didn't allow Chen Yiming to play with his toys either. He would always lock his toys in the drawer before the visit.
    I Can Enhance My Talents Using Unlimited Skill Points
    Sci-fi · Dreamscape Superman
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to Grim_Reaper_5208


    Soon, her breathing became erratic and she started to sweat. profusely.
    I Can Enhance My Talents Using Unlimited Skill Points
    Sci-fi · Dreamscape Superman
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to MagiciansWriter


    At this moment, his right hand did feel stronger than his left hand.
    The Great Genetic Era
    Eastern · Pig Sanbu
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to Ashearth

    You said "Tried this". So did he succeed or part of the plan went wrong?

    The police station was not a place he could stay in just because he wanted to.
    The Great Genetic Era
    Eastern · Pig Sanbu
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to asfalpha

    I Actually didn't notice it until I saw your comment 😂😂😂

    However, Xia Ruofei's attitude had always been neither servile nor overbearing. The only thing he asked for was actually for the sister of his comrade.
    God-tier Farm
    Urban · Gentleness In A Steel Gun
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to Exotic_bird

    Is that what it is?

    "There's actually a pale pink mutated Myriad Elephant? Of course I have to get it!"
    God-tier Farm
    Urban · Gentleness In A Steel Gun
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to TheForgottenLegend

    Isn't that... uumm... A little bit too long?

    This girl was very beautiful. Her exquisite face was almost flawless, and her skin was so delicate that it seem like it could break with a blow. Especially her long legs, any man who saw her would involuntarily imagine the scene of placing her long legs on his shoulders.
    God-tier Farm
    Urban · Gentleness In A Steel Gun
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to DaoistJB

    He didn't assault that person because he wasn't actively defending him, He attacked him because he defended someone that bullied him... No one defended him when he was bullied so I can understand his anger and it isn't really a pscho behavior. But Yes, he shouldn't have that.

    I almost crushed two students windpipes just because they voiced their opinion, they had not wronged young Wyatt in any way yet why was I cruel to them. 
    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    Games · IGotStones
  • Drone_dome

    I get that it isn't her business but I'm sure there is a more polite way to say "Mind your Business" 😅😅

    I frowned and asked"Why so many questions? I said I wanted to sell these cards didn't I."
    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    Games · IGotStones
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to mikropp

    You also remember that their levels are so high that the MC can't even see them.

    "FUCK!" This was the second time he was caught off guard and when he turned around to look, it was the daughter standing in front of him.
    Re: Evolution Online
    Fantasy · Yolohy
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to Cerberus_36

    He got 32 points of agility in one second. Getting the rest should be pretty easy too, don't you think?

    [MP: 65]
    God's Path: I Can Create A Lot Of Cheats Through Mutation
    Sci-fi · Million Phantom God
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to GhostOwl

    Bro can this build work in games??!!

    Players who added points like this were often called "Magic Thorns" by the non-players in the main world.
    God's Path: I Can Create A Lot Of Cheats Through Mutation
    Sci-fi · Million Phantom God
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to Eon_of_strifes

    To steal or to flip skirts... I was thinking of the later.

    He discovered many cases of players violating ordinary people's rights. In one article he read, a player used their telekinesis skill to steal things openly on the street.
    God's Path: I Can Create A Lot Of Cheats Through Mutation
    Sci-fi · Million Phantom God
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to GhostOfGun

    Meh, I like fallen Immortal better.

    "Fire Whip Queen… That was the Fire Whip Queen!"
    God's Path: I Can Create A Lot Of Cheats Through Mutation
    Sci-fi · Million Phantom God
  • Drone_dome
    Replied to Phoenixray

    Guy what monstrosity is that Chicken 😂 But that lap be looking really delicious tho

    Then in the next second, the chicken flapped its wings fiercely as it cried out and swung its legs like a pair of wind and fire wheels, charging toward Ling Yi.
    God's Path: I Can Create A Lot Of Cheats Through Mutation
    Sci-fi · Million Phantom God