Writer♥️ I love God, writing and reading, in that exact order☺️. Never liked coffee, I don't know why, just felt like sharing🚶
of reading
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that's one heck of a long sleep👀 I feel you, Yzranth. I feel you.
Okay, a few chapters in and its about time to give a review! Once you get passed the beginning explanation, the story dives all in... The plot is good, although it would have been nice to not make me love her husband before you took him away, Author-san!🤧. The book is good, a lot of character potential, can't wait to see the brothers' conscious interaction with our FL! A recommended read.
I recommend this too... Grammarly helps a lot!
A lot of explanation at the beginning but we're starting off strong😌 is the Blake the older or younger brother?👀
Ray seems sweet🤧
male lead?
Personal error! It will be fix immediately! I was trying to edit the first few chapters.
Thank you for the review,I'm glad you loved the story
This book is amazing. The mysteries surrounding Rei, his parents, the accident. I'm hooked. it's a fresh take on fantasy! it's giving me vibes of the Lion, the witch and the wardrobe. Very very interesting, I 100% recommend this! FYI, the story picks up a lot more, when he goes through the portal! Stick around, it's a must read!
oh my gosh! I'm hooked!