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well, there is that saying, "Be careful of what you wish for!" It seems to be true! 😈
just knowing the future changes it! it's one's actions that set the future in motion.
"In fact, the double negative has led to proof positive. I'm afraid you gave yourself away." Clue 1985 is anyone else hearing Tim Currys voice right now? or is that just me😁
I'm sure they'd like to, but Mr. and Mrs. Nan would never let something like that happen! I mean, what if someone found out they used cheap porcelain? the horror 😰
the porcelain makers in this city must be eating well lately thanks to the Nan Family
you're not worthy of the title "Father." You're barely worthy of being a human being, and even that's a stretch!
the only person in the world who doesn't need someone to worry about her has everyone worried about her 🤣😂
now I really can't wait to see what will happen 😁