Pig- headed when not needed, easy- going when definitely not needed. So, who am I?.A black sheep. Alas! , that's me. No, I m a smarty pants and a survivor and an ass-kicker, and an otaku .
of reading
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good writing style
with a sigh of relief, story is catching up. when was the last time, we got some wild schemy fun.
your spelling of Petal is wrong.
I want showdown. I m done with this type of cheesy storylines. the story is going in circles. it's always their office and work. what abt the villains. there's so many. involve them.
thanks. Just never drop it in the mid.
Thanks for the chapter.
The story has started building up for another showdown.
when does the main plot starts? The story's been going in circle. Too much focus on side characters. And with the speed it's been going, looks like a never ending end.
why updates are so slow.
I wish this story could be more fast- paced. 😁