the most ungodly heretical sh*tposter you will ever meet.
of reading
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this bro, it's not even ntr either. girl is a victim through and through.
damn, nostalgia
interesting, I usually find many times more sword than spear users, been probably a year since I last read about a spear weilding MC
what a ridiculously useless skill lol
fork gang rise up! 💪😤
am i crazy or does it seem like some of the stories on web novel are getting written by ai or something? maybe I'm just being paranoid or the authors have gained a new appreciation for filler paragraphs to stretch out their stories using repetitive phrases and words, idk, the writing for some of these stories seem just a little strangely written lately... no offense if this is just people's writing style now, but the flow and wording of stories lately just doesn't seem quite "normal" to me if that makes sense.
these chapters feel like they were written with chat gpt or something, something just feels off-putting about them, sorry if it wasn't and this is just your style of writing
I work as a mover, we carry items around that weight and heavier up staircases and across long distances quite often.
it kind of reminds me of soul of negary, i was genuinely disappointed when i ran out of readable chapters..