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Though we know it's really mostly Hitogami's fault, if Rygar kills Rudy and Sylphy they really kind of deserve it for not thinking for themselves. If Rygar wasn't somewhat friends with Sylphy's father and Lilia/Aisha I'd be rooting to off them.
Yep, Hitogami doesn't mind control but he has the next best thing. He has an aura that makes all humans believe he is trustworthy. Other races and otherworlders are not affected, but Hitogami can be cunning even without the trust aura since he can see the future. A little truth here and there will make the person more likely to believe the eventual big lie.
As an American this is news to me. It's frowned upon, but nowhere is it banned as far as I know. It's just generally not a good idea to mix work and private life because it invites a bunch of unneeded drama. Plenty of couples do meet in the workplace though.
Yes, all sharks do this. In addition to the ammonia content in the meat they are also not considered food because of the mercury content that is above safe levels. Mercury poisoning is not a joke. You could eat it in a pinch but probably shouldn't. I've never heard it described as tasty like that, but you do you. At least it wasn't wasted.
There's no such thing as grey in star wars. You can have a more humane attitude than the jedi but experimenting with the dark side has almost never ended well in the entire SW canon. Why every SI under the sun thinks they know better and can avoid all side effects is a mystery.
To be honest both the republic and the jedi are thoroughly rotten at this point which is one of the reasons Palpatine was so successful. Palpatine caused a bunch of atrocities but also in a sick way was good for the galaxy. Without him and his empire the galaxy would have stood no chance against the yuuzhan vong for instance. Simply defeating him and the sith plan is not a happy ever after scenario.
Definitely would have went with 4 years old in this position. It's old enough to have some self-agency and skip the most embarrassing stage of acting like a baby and learning basic language but not waste years of early education. 8 is almost as old as Anakin and on the fringe of what the jedi would accept and isn't very advantageous.
If it was anyone other than Naruto the village's treatment would have completely ruined their "weapon" without any benefits. Either from a practical or emotional pov it doesn't make sense at all.
Who can tell without testing the waters first? Jiraiya obviously makes quite a bit of money from his his writing.
Training is important but he also needs money for experimental tools as well as some way to relax. Drawing accomplishes both so it's not wasted.