Just chilling in the flow of life
of reading
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Literally had me in dying 60% of the time, dying the noblest of deaths, death by laughter. The character is extremely well written, with an air of the greatest idiot savant around him. But he is aware enough that it doesn’t come off as cringe. I absolutely love the story so far, the plot is unique and the author has created peak fiction. I’m normally not one for Chinese Daoist type stories but this one is truly a gem and would definitely recommend anyone to give it a read!! Keep up the fantastic work!!!
That’s terrible to hear, my best friend was hit by a car growing up and was put in the hospital for 3 weeks growing up. With wounds as you’ve described I’d say much longer than a day or so stuck in the hospital. I’m very sorry to hear this happen to you and wish you a full recovery. Take as long as you need recovering from something like this is highly important and should be top priority. I love the story but not at the cost of your health/future health. Don’t stress about the story and when you recover and feel up to it hope to see you back to writing. Sending best thoughts/prayers on your recovery, best of luck.
Just wanted to post a review of this story so far. I have to say it’s a novel story set in the world all things considered. The MC isn’t rushing off to either join Azula or Aang’s group or even Zuko. The MC’s cheat or “power” is very well balanced and gives him a chance to make a reasonable progression to personal power, while keeping it believable and entertaining. It also allows for further growth in unexpected ways perhaps even leaving room for the MC to grow “OP” but that doesn’t seem to be happening anytime soon at least not without us seeing the MC put in the work to get there. I have really enjoyed reading this work so far and wanted to say thank you to the author for writing it. Having a character explore the Avatar world while working towards a defined end goal is very enjoyable and I hope you keep up the fantastic work. In regards to your comment about people recommending ways Luca could grow his power, have you read the Wandering Prince by sinereal? Personally I find what they have written on energy bending, in their story as well as the interactions with chi and fire to be very interesting and a way Luca could gain other skills, such as running into the two dragons and mastering the different colors of fire. And perhaps the different colors have different aspects of fire. Anyways just a thought but overall, excited to read more and everytime I see a chapter it makes my day.
Hey, just wanted to let you know thanks for the update and sorry to hear that things aren’t going well in your life with your exams. I’m in university myself and I get that sometimes especially with exams and stress things just don’t work out and it just ruins your mental state, just wanted to say hoping for the best for u in doing well on your make-ups and take some time for yourself because honestly appreciate the work you’ve put into this story and just wanted to say take care of yourself and wish you the best.
This story is a copy and pasted FanFiction Story called “The Born Again Fate of DxD” by MetalSharkey90 which hasn’t been updated since 4/23/2022. It also has 16 chapters consisting of 93k words, with you breaking down the chapters into shorter chapters in this story. I’d just like to ask if the author has gotten permission from the original author before posting it here, as you are also posting it on your P*treon and making money off their work. I’ll change my rating to a more positive review in the case that you have gotten permission.
Moon dragon
Hey, first time leaving a review on this site, but I had to cause I just love this story that you’v written so far. I’ve seen and read many Jaune Arc Gamer stories, some good, some ehh, and some I couldn’t finish. But this path you’ve taken of making another Arc is new and exciting. Not only that but it’s amazingly written and the grammar is perfect. Thank you so much for writing this and I can’t wait to read more.