I am an elusive creature called the Programmer which has a strict diet of fast food and a mild case of sleep deprivation. I just wish I had the motivation to match my imagination.
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Somewhere halfway between the wrist and the elbow. The entire hand and part of her arm is the most accurate, but she’s focused on the functionality of a hand.
Only the best of the best for Nicole’s romantic life
Oh, yeah. I forgot to change that. That’s my username on literally every other account I use.
Yes. Nicole is just checking to be sure, and I didn’t completely forgot to check a generation 1 gender ratio that’s famous for being completely male or female.
Most people have.
Slight scientific explanation for anyone that cares. An enzyme called DNA polymerase is responsible for replicating DNA. However, when DNA is unzipped for replication, one polymerase can follow the unzipping, while the other is constantly playing catch up. This results in the catch up polymerase being able to replicate their entire side, while the leading polymerase misses a slight bit at the beginning. This extra piece is junk data that is meant to be cut off, and it’s the telomeres of a chromosome. Thus, since a little is left behind for each DNA replication, the length of telomeres represents your lifespan since that’s how much a cell can perform mitosis. In cells like sperm, an enzyme called telomerase can extend the telomeres which is why men can produce sperm most of their lives. Scientists have experimented with adding telomerase to regular cells, but it’s resulted in uncontrolled cell division which is generally called cancer.
Yeah, I’ve been putting that off for a while. My word docs that they’re based on are still updated though.
It’s implied that things went a little further than the hug from last chapter. However, I’m also really bad at romance stuff, so this is the outcome.
This paragraph implies that things went a little beyond hugs after the last chapter. Despite the tags, I’m not adept at writing romance stuff or anything further.