Born in United States and I love K-POP and reading romance comics
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It has a really interesting plot but none theless I enjoyed this comic a lot, the plot did change frequently but I still very much enjoyed it, also the art styles are so good 😊
I loved this comic its in my top five. I just finished it and im balling my eyes out 😭I want more, Im really glad she got a happy ending. I definitely recommend it .🥳💕😄
I’m sooooo HAPPY😊 that curtis is back. He was my favorite then and still is. Now all I need is winston to become her next partner and I’m complete🙏🏼.
I love this comic quing Quing is so cute and Smart Curtis is a jelous all the time but hes cute and cares for quing quing Parker is bery protective and i love them both
I agree