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  • Mars_Carrillo

    I would have gone with Goddess instead of Lancer and made the third pick Caster since I'm pretty sure Godddess can do all the stuff Lancer artoria can do. That being aid I might pick Ruler Artoria in a bunny outfit with huge Luck instead of caster but I don't know.

    "I pick Saber, Lancer, and Goddess Rhongomyniad for my three choices."
    The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!
    Anime & Comics · BeIi4l
  • Mars_Carrillo

    Not gonna lie but this is stupid. Canonically, Avada Kedavra kills without leaving a single mark (Ie it separates the soul from the body directly or something) so it failing (for some reason) shouldn't have done anything to Sirius I also don't understand why Voldemort didn't use another spell after the second or third failed Avada (ie an Incarcerous/stunner to keep Sirius prisoner or a bombardma to explode him beyond his ability to recover/heal). Also think Sirius is deluded if he thinks Lily can convince Severus into switching sides without giving her up, breaking her and Potter up, and telling her to fall in love/sleep with Severus for the sake of the wizarding world or something.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10. Andromeda & Rekindled Memories
    Horndog of Hogwarts
    Book&Literature · MrPlotThickens
  • Mars_Carrillo

    it's my understanding that devils are capable of shape shifting so the first reward seems redundant. However because you don't want to make this too easy maybe it would be fun to read his reaction to realizing this.

    I was excited about both rewards, changing gender might seem like a shitty reward but I couldn't be happier after all I was reborn into a devil and intend to live like a devil, that includes a shit ton of debauchery and things I have never before experienced. 
    The Ultimate System (Omniversal: DxD, Marvel, Tensura, Fate, HP)
    Anime & Comics · Azeriel
  • Mars_Carrillo

    What Mental Defenses? No seriously this is literally the first time any mental/telepathic training was even mentioned in this fic and I highly doubt you got good enough at it in two months that you could block Martian Manhunter from doing a telepathic/mental scan.

    "Greetings. I am J'onn J'onzz," said Martian Manhunter in a deep, calm voice. He studied me intently, likely scanning me telepathically. I kept my mental defenses up, not letting him glean anything substantial. 
    DC/Young Justice: FATE
    Anime & Comics · a_BMO
  • Mars_Carrillo
    Replied to Syr001

    No in the future this Steve Rogers is going to time travel and have a copy of this song to dance to with peggy.

    Now I understood why he came back after all those years, why he survived Ultron, Thanos and everything life threw at him. He survived because he wanted that dance, but steve doesn't know yet, he shouldn't know yet so I held my breathe as his heart broke when he heard the woman sing knowing I can't tell him that we danced to this very song when he came back for me.
    Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man
    Movies · KamBroFam123ERT
  • Mars_Carrillo

    This is stupid and should not work. As long as he is aware of the truth then no matter what hie does to shield his mind it would never work and the Lasso would force him to reveal the truth. The only way to even feasibly lie is to literally erase the memories beyond your ability to recover/recollect them not block them or convince yourself that other thoughts/memories are true.

    "You are a hideous creature, water flows uphill, fire is frigid, mantras shatter..." Ivan began speaking complete nonsense. He was ensnared by the truth, and his virtual personality had been meticulously constructed, leading him to believe that everything he said was genuine. He aimed to deceive the truth and misdirect Wonder Woman.
    Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]
    Movies · Mad_verse
  • Mars_Carrillo
    Replied to chainzenith

    You're not getting it. If the he is in a fight and therefore turns them on then any physical biological evidence he leaves behind while likely not be destroyed because both the thing that is supposed to destroy it (product 1) and the thing meant to keep it stable (product 2) are present in trace amounts (perhaps enough of 2 so that 1 can't work at all) and thus the people he is trying to keep his genetic samples from (ie he invented product 1 in order so people can't take his blood, skin, hair, saliva, etc to clone him or copy his powers) will get them anyway. Basically, when product 1 proved that it could not be made to only target samples of his dna that are separate from him and left behind (ie if he ever leaves a trace of his blood, a finger he lost in a fight, the spit that flew out of his mouth when he got punched to hard) it should have become irrelevant. Instead he thought to make product 2 in order to stabilize the damage done to his body. THe problem is that product two is in his entire body and thus any bio sample he leaves behind will have traces of both product 1 and product 2 canceling each other out and therefore making sure the sample is viable for study (what he was trying to avoid in the first place and the og intent for inventing product 1). In other words product 1 was a failure that because while it did destroy his DNA samples it didn't discriminate between DNA samples that where no longer part of his body and those that where (ie it would have killed him). For whatever reason he then decided to invent product 2 which was meant to counter the effects of product 1 on his body and this is where the problem begins. For whatever reason product 2 somehow prevents product 1 from working on the body but not on parts separate from the body. The problem is how does it do that? If every cell is producing product 2 then there is no point for product 1 since even parts of him that get lobbed off will have trace amounts of product 2 and thus be capable of resisting decay/destruction long enough for his DNA to be studied. You mentioned product 2 is a hormone which is fine except for the fact that not all cells in/on the body require them and thus said parts should be being destroyed by product 1. Ignoring that whats stops product 2 from being present in the blood you lose from a blood wound? Nothing therefore that blood won't decay immediately and if it is found fast enough it will be studied and potentially copied. All in all, the I think the fact product 1 failed and led to the creation of product 2 put him in a catch 22.

    'Damn, it's better than I thought,' he thought in his head, watching the drop of blood seemingly vanish into thin air. Its half-life was accelerated so greatly that it degenerated into microparticles within seconds.
    Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure
    Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ
  • Mars_Carrillo

    Does this mean their will be more fatalities in abomination's attack? If the people of New York are distracted by the virtual reality game then they won't notice/know they are in danger and thus are mre likely to die of collateral damage. Also considering Iron Man is responding to the situation I imagine Abomination was on the loose for at least an hour before he got their and thus already caused a lot of damage/deaths.

    Looking at the appearance of the giant monster, Alex soon recognized the monster as the Abomination, Hulk's enemy they battled in New York City, but looking at the news, why was Tony fighting this monster?
    Movies · NunuXD
  • Mars_Carrillo
    Replied to chainzenith

    The problem with this theory is that if this was true then he wouldn't ever want to stop producing this hormone lest his body eat itself or rapidly disintegrate. Why because he made at least three different modifications to himself. 1 modification was to have his body rapidly destroy parts that are no longer part of him (ie blood that he loses, hair, skill cells, etc) the problem is that he couldn't make a product that will only work on body parts that were separated which means that said product would insta kill him. To fix this he made a 2nd product the one you mentioned, a product that would stabilize his body but would (somehow) not be in parts of his body that are not attached to him. Then he made a 3rd product that would allow him to turn the other two on or off at will. Do you see the problem? Ie why would you ever want to turn either product 1 or 2 off? If you turn off product 1 then other people can get viable samples of your DNA (ie it would no longer prevent what you were trying to prevent buy making said product) and as long as product 1 is active deactivating product 2 is suicide (ie it would make product 1 literally kill you). All this being true then I imagine he has both 1 and 2 always active and because they are always active if he takes any damage that results in blood loss or the removal of a body part that said loss would have small samples of both product 1 and 2 in it and it would potentially counter each other enough that the sample remains viable (ie does not destroy itself as intended) for some time no?

    'Damn, it's better than I thought,' he thought in his head, watching the drop of blood seemingly vanish into thin air. Its half-life was accelerated so greatly that it degenerated into microparticles within seconds.
    Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure
    Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ
  • Mars_Carrillo

    Why? they do it often the fact that it still catches them off guard reeks of plot armor.

    Even though Seirin did this kind of play often, it still caught Midorima and Miyaji off guard by this strategy. Because of that, they both forget to communicate to each other about who defense who as they both tried to stop Furihata at the same time.
    Kuroko no Basket : The Sixth Man of the Seirin Basketball Team
    Anime & Comics · Zeta_Faes
  • Mars_Carrillo

    this is stupid. we've already seen him fake a foul from this type of setup why wouldn't he do it again?

    Seeing he couldn't convince his teammate, Takao just sighed helplessly as he handed the ball to the shooting guard. But the moment Midorima is about to pull up a three from the logo, he was stopped immediately by Hyuga who extended one of his arms high to the sky, trying to block his eyesight.
    Kuroko no Basket : The Sixth Man of the Seirin Basketball Team
    Anime & Comics · Zeta_Faes
  • Mars_Carrillo
    Replied to yowhanes_dagnew

    You really just don't get it do you (or ar being really stubborn)? SI made a different Lizard formula/serum than OG Curt Conners. For all that it was similar/inspired by the 616 Lizard formula and built on both work from SI's og life and Peter's work before getting replaced the chances of said serum being the same as the Conners serum is zero. If the fact that SI mentioned the DNA of some of the reptiles he mixed in wasn't a clue (ie Thorny Lizard, Gila Monster, Gecko, Chameleon) as to his serum being different from the OG serum and the fact that his meta knowledge of the mental/psychological drawbacks to the OG formula made him double and triple check that his mind wouldn't be effected then I find it difficult to believe that his final product would have the Lizard command/telepathy or whatever it's called (considering he would be actively working to make sure the serum didn't change his mind). Just like how Komodo (a woman who stole and modified Conners og formula in 616) made a variation of the serum that would heal her spine to allow her to walk while not damaging or affecting her mind and turn her into a psychopath even if she did end up in a Lizard form as a side effect. Ie SI Peter wanted to make sure he didn't have the downsides 616 Conners' lizard serum had (that he knows about due to meta knowledge)so like Komodo he worked on making a serum that would give him the abilities he wanted without changing him mentaly and because he is actively working not to be changed mentaly the chances of the serum modifying his brain to get Lizard telepathy is zero (especially since he doesn't know why 616 Lizard developed it in the first place. For all he knows his formula/serum is missing a key ingredint that Conners put in his that lead to said telepathy without planning for it). Secondly how even would SI add telepathy to his serum? Do any lizards display such a skill so he can crib said genes from? Did he study 616 Lizard in order to find out and replicate it? No? then I honestly don't see why or how you can argue he made sure to have it included.

    'Fascinating', he thought. He could feel the wall lizard's mind as clear as day, and that wasn't all. He could feel dozens of other reptilian species in a four-mile radius that he could take control of. Garden lizards, wall lizards, small snakes, iguanas - and so on. He could even sense a hazy human mind in the distance - one that he couldn't control, but instead temporarily devolve into a lizard brain, instilling a flight or fight response.
    Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure
    Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ
  • Mars_Carrillo
    Replied to GrymAbyss

    We know that Miguel O'hara (Spider-Man 2099) got his spider powers through genetic modification and was inspired by OG Spider-Man. We also know that because Miguel O'hara didnn't use a "radioactive" spider like the OG that he ended up with a few different powers. I believe Miguel is canonically weaker, lacks a spider-sense, has fangs and talons, and can produce some kind of paralysis venom. Likewise we know that Komodo a woman who stole Conner's lizard formula and modified it to be able to walk again ended up with both a different look than the Lizard (she looks a little more human and has a weird frill on her head and lacks the lizard telepathy/control of Curt Conners because she wanted a formula that didn't make her lose her mental faculties or turn her into a psycopath. Given these in universe examples of how different methods/formulas give different (if similar) results despite the "common factors" it was more than fair of me to ask why SI's formula (designed specifically to avoid mental complications/changes like Komodo's modified Lizard formula) would include the Lizard control powers.

    'Fascinating', he thought. He could feel the wall lizard's mind as clear as day, and that wasn't all. He could feel dozens of other reptilian species in a four-mile radius that he could take control of. Garden lizards, wall lizards, small snakes, iguanas - and so on. He could even sense a hazy human mind in the distance - one that he couldn't control, but instead temporarily devolve into a lizard brain, instilling a flight or fight response.
    Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure
    Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ
  • Mars_Carrillo

    You think faster/better and can talk to lizards with your brain how has your amygdala not been affected?

    The perfected Lizard Serum was everything I dreamed of and more. This suggests that the Genome Adaptation serum worked, and my amygdala was not affected in the slightest. I retain perfect control of myself, and my decisions are mine and mine alone - yet, I have pointed out a few changes that may be slightly worrying, or not at all.
    Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure
    Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ
  • Mars_Carrillo
    Replied to Marine0IQ

    True but that was with Conner's Lizard formula. Why would it be the same for yours?

    'Fascinating', he thought. He could feel the wall lizard's mind as clear as day, and that wasn't all. He could feel dozens of other reptilian species in a four-mile radius that he could take control of. Garden lizards, wall lizards, small snakes, iguanas - and so on. He could even sense a hazy human mind in the distance - one that he couldn't control, but instead temporarily devolve into a lizard brain, instilling a flight or fight response.
    Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure
    Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ
  • Mars_Carrillo

    is someone going to call the cops? I'm pretty sure he's at his house and while May and Ben might not be around a neighbor for sure is.

    "AAAAAAAARGH!!!" A guttural roar tore through his throat as the sounds of bones cracking echoed in the empty room, like the shattering of delicate glass. His spine arched with pain and his irises turned a bright green as his mind began to expand, shattering the hard limits set by the human brain.
    Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure
    Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ
  • Mars_Carrillo

    Out of curiosity why isn't your skin disintegrating? Like your skin and hair is constantly exposed to the outside world which should mean it does the same thing as the blood no? Shouldn't your skin disintegrate and then everything that becomes exposed after should follow or something no?

    'Damn, it's better than I thought,' he thought in his head, watching the drop of blood seemingly vanish into thin air. Its half-life was accelerated so greatly that it degenerated into microparticles within seconds.
    Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure
    Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ
  • Mars_Carrillo
    Replied to Hexmonkey_2020

    Honestly, I figured the house would have come with one preinstalled so Ben would have had to go out of his way to take it out in order for it not to have one.

    The bathroom door slammed open, and steam billowed out into his room the moment it did. He was thankful Uncle Ben hadn't come around to installing a fire alarm in the old house, something about sullying its beauty.
    Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure
    Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ
  • Mars_Carrillo

    Not gonna lie I really enjoy the story but Brainiac is kinda killing it for me. It's not enough to have Superman's powers/abilities but you also have a Super AI as an assistant. Like who even is a threat to you now (especially if you're preemptively getting rid of them). One of the things I love about stories and Spider-Man in particular is the fact that he struggles against his opponents. The fact that the fights have real stakes because unlike with Superman who is only vulnerable/weak to magic and Kryptonite Spider-Man is not so overpowered that everything is a walk in the park. That being said I do hate that Peter/Spider-Man is always struggling. Like why he hasn't had a billion/million dollar idea and cashed in on it in order to no longer have any money worries is a mystery. Doesn't even have to start a company can just patent an idea/invention and sell to the highest bidder and bid his money problems "adieu".

    Ch 7 07
    Marvel: The New Peter Parker
    Movies · Hisoka999
  • Mars_Carrillo
    Replied to _oinkchan

    The problem is that the author's priority is not curing cancer it's developing/completing project gene lock (we know it Curt doesn't). The big problem with this is that the RPX protein he devoloped clearly doesn't work as a cure for cancer (that doesn't kill/cause undue harm to the patient) and that seems pretty clear (ie author admits it, and worse I, a nonbio student, can see it clearly). Because of this I can't imagine why Curt can't read Peter's paper, come to the same conclusion, and then let him down easy about why they should continue to pursue the original course of action perhaps by pointing out to Peter how much more dangerous and overcomplicated his "new" theory is in comparrison to the OG work which followed the principles of K.I.S.S., got Oscorp's interest in the first place, and seems safer plus more reliable.

    "That's..." Connor's eyebrows disappeared into his messy hair. "...ingenious and a tall order. Do you think you could really design something like that?"
    Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure
    Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ