

2020-02-24 JoinedGlobal

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  • Etherus_Eterna
    Replied to Dark_Pheonix_2407

    some thoughts are better kept unvoiced dear dark_pheonix

    When Tang Li Xue lay down on her bed to sleep, she was still thinking about what if she had her perfect copy consume that Yin Yang Reversing Potion instead.
    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasy · godadi
  • Etherus_Eterna
    Replied to Art_et_T

    maybe they mistyped transformation...

    "Whether it's raw meat, steel, or even poison, their strong stomach acid can corrode and digest it. We have werewolf Professionists and transmigrators among the Night Guards, but we have never heard of anyone suffering from acute gastroenteritis!"
    I'm a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!
    Games · Yiqian Qingdai
  • Etherus_Eterna

    maybe it's irrevelant but will mc's big sister become red dragon empress?

    "Then I'll make sure that happens." I say, making a note to ask Serafall to do so. It'll mean introducing Akeno to her, but the Leviathan is trustworthy enough. She won't spill what she knows.
    In DxD with the Eyes of God
    Anime & Comics · Ventus889
  • Etherus_Eterna
    Replied to Dr_Armstrong

    guys,while I know readers may wish to have epic proggression over comedy and vice versa but you should respect other readers and also the author,like wouldn't you get angry if someone came in and DEMANDED that you do something you do as a hobby the way they like to be,but I also think that it's a virtue of reader to comment about what they think.finally I have good news for author since people wishing for this to be an epic proggression means you have potential to write one but beware since serious writing style reduces your "author bs" Powers and makes it significantly harder to progress the plot

    "LEEEROOOY JENKIIIINNNSSS!!!" He screamed out loud before throwing the Ender Pearl straight into the spatial rift.
    Custom Made Archangel (Old, Will Be Rewritten)
    Book&Literature · Dr_Armstrong
  • Etherus_Eterna

    I personally like how author has given some depth to her character like every other he did it makes this novel special👍

    "Well? Stop wasting time and get moving!" Raynare ordered me as she walked forward leaving me behind. My jaw dropped to the floor as I couldn't believe what this girl had just done. Not only has she thrown away the chance to save her own skin, but she also announced our presence to the enemy!
    My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted!
    Anime & Comics · NimtheWriter
  • Etherus_Eterna
    Replied to RustyBoi

    finally!!! a soul who understood this dynamic

    If she had done so in front of my old self, that Hachiman would have certainly been put off or disgusted by her two-faced persona. A two trait character that she switched in between with a flick of a light switch. I would have called her a fake bitch before, but now I just treated her attitude with an eye roll.
    My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted!
    Anime & Comics · NimtheWriter
  • Etherus_Eterna
    Replied to RNGesus_reloaded

    lol,spot on with tentacles

    Are you calling me a lazy fat cat? 
    My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted!
    Anime & Comics · NimtheWriter
  • Etherus_Eterna

    danger sense,life detection,MP siphoning,phy resistance->elacticity, movement correction,extrasensory perception,antimematic stealth,anti magic attack,nether arts;necromancery death magic,weakness detection

    'Now what else can I get...' It was damn time the Readers contribute.
    So, I'm a Dragon, What of it?
    Anime & Comics · Dr_Armstrong
  • Etherus_Eterna
    Replied to 0dinson

    what you say is an example of bystender complex,you can't trust the cannon timeline too much you gotta fight off potential danger if you can

    He might tell himself that he wasn't fighting for people and that it was just beneficial for him to be on good terms with people, but in reality he knew that he just couldn't stand by. And this is not some hero complex or something else. It was the behavior of a healthy person, and everyone should do it, it is right. So what should he do now? Speed up to catch up with the Kaiju and fight him in the water? Or let people fight themselves and, regardless of losses, this will allow them to develop faster and better prepare for future battles?
    Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle
    Movies · MyQuietPlace
  • Etherus_Eterna

    you guys condemn him but don't you "ouch" when you step on a lego? also he didn't took high caliber bullets to his shell he took them right on face

    While he was watching the warships, bullets from a large-caliber machine gun flew into his face. "Ai! It hurts!" Yelling at the sudden pain, he covered his face with his hand and dived back into the ocean. Having descended 100-200 meters, he turned his back to the bottom of the ocean and watched the events taking place above him.
    Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle
    Movies · MyQuietPlace
  • Etherus_Eterna

    oh Man you mare me laugh so hysterically,shell god bestow thee joy

    Whispering to Harry, Jake said, "Hey, man, don't worry about the monsters. I'll teach you the three awesome spells I learned later, so you'll have no problem with them."
    DXD: A Nexus Devil (DXD x Multi-Crossover)
    Anime & Comics · FiveStarTomato
  • Etherus_Eterna

    Bael perhaps?

    "Hmmf, you two have the easy jobs as fellow Satans. Meanwhile, I'm stuck with the difficult task of preventing other pantheons from attacking us every time some idiot devil decides to reincarnate someone they absolutely shouldn't touch into their peerages. A member of the Ball Clan just tried to sneak into the Island of the Amazons and kidnap some girls for his harem... I mean peerage. Needless to say, it didn't go well for him, as his head was promptly cut off. If you're going to attempt such foolishness, at least be a member of the Phoenix Clan, so you have a chance of survival. Unfortunately, he's dead, and frankly, we're probably better off without him in the Underworld," Serafall added with a sigh. "Thankfully, the Greek pantheon found it amusing overall and isn't pressing the issue. So, at least there's that," she said.
    DXD: A Nexus Devil (DXD x Multi-Crossover)
    Anime & Comics · FiveStarTomato
  • Etherus_Eterna
    Replied to Chibaku_Monster

    thats a spoiler irrevelant within early stages

    Abyss: The place where demons live and where they can access the infinite worlds through the Gates of the Abyss
    Reborn in Custom Made Demon King
    Book&Literature · Conceptual_Entity
  • Etherus_Eterna

    dunno maybe because there is nothing to comment about or recent slice of life-ish development,you know like chapters pass like mild breeze pleasant but nothing to comment on. Nevertheless you are doing great but perhaps people expected time travel,dimension hopping or alien slaying ect. something for mc to flex his skills on and don't feel pressured about it since we are not paying you or anything you don't need our walidation take it slowly,don't limit youself to 1universe or timeline and write what you enjoy!!!

    Also, I've noticed that there used to be a ton of comments here before, but for some reason, they seem to be fewer.
    Mahouka: I Want to Live Quietly but I'm Too Strong
    Anime & Comics · Livice
  • Etherus_Eterna


    Also, JustSomeRandomNPC you are fucking crazy. Mf spammed No Harem in the comments with mad determination at every hour of the day/night. F in the chat for him.
    Spider-Verse: Creeping Hunger
    Anime & Comics · _oinkchan
  • Etherus_Eterna

    it's ok👍,happens to all of us

    Life has been a bit chaotic lately, and I got caught up in a whirlwind of unexpected events. I've been juggling multiple commitments and lost track of time. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused, and I promise to get those stories updated as soon as possible.
    Mahouka: I Want to Live Quietly but I'm Too Strong
    Anime & Comics · Livice
  • Etherus_Eterna

    that would be EsGod and in some way yes but he can only steal Powers like AFO and Powers cause him genetic regeneration but he can passively enhance Powers to his level like he steals 4x strenght but because he is so much powerful it becomes 64x

    "Apparently there's this super strong guy in the other universe. Like, the God of Mutants. With hundreds of powers." The Kitty of this dimension says to her fellow X-men.
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · EvansKannon
  • Etherus_Eterna
    Replied to Hazerithious

    way of the househusband

    He chuckles "Wait, till I put on an apron..." He comments, before asking for permission to use the kitchen.
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · EvansKannon
  • Etherus_Eterna

    it is as much as I expected given that it's cause being so wierd. İt's not meant to be a punishment at all and converting them into beings of darkness is merely a ritualistic act to fulfill destiny

    "I have also decided to place Azazil and Azariel under Zadkiel as well." God said catching the others off guard.
    DxD: King of Salt
    Anime & Comics · Lust_Demon_Samael
  • Etherus_Eterna

    tadano prime planning out perfect assasination rn💀

    Shouko's face turned red, but she kept quiet. Oh, so she was paying attention to the conversation. Also, fucking damn it. So I got to worry about people that were more intelligent than me that would do anything to get rid of me. Hopefully, before the dangerous ones appear. I have more cheats and godlike items to deal with them. If not already with my current set.
    Daily Life of A Caretaker
    Anime & Comics · ImBoredSoMehl