Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, cause ain't nobody got time for that negativity.
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How has no one commented on how weird it is that he's implying he wants to escape?! Is he also pretending?!
Haha! I knew it! Our new MC is neither girl, but a mix
Won't assimilating memories influence Feng Jiu? Having 2 sets of memories will make the MC neither Feng Jiu or Feng Gui, but a mix of both!
I like this set-up where the old personality is like a vengeful spirit. Will she disappeare soon or only after her revenge is fulfilled?
Perhaps not the real Refrinz but a spectre/illusion. The title of the location had 'truth' plus a possible invisibility barrier and the '?' symbology -> lots of mystery and hidden meanings!
such a good friend!
Is this seriously his best friend? Our MC must have low EQ, totally oblivious to his friend's care and concern.
Interesting start. It's a bit slow but I like how we're getting a lot of the MC's thoughts - it really helps build the character.
why not make enough for leftovers??? that way he can eat 'real food' any time he wants.
This guy seems kinda obsessive so I wonder if his competitive spirit and seeing the MC as a rival will make him change classes when the MC does...