


i love reading

2020-02-03 JoinedUnited States

of reading


Read books

  • Jonathan_Allen
    Jonathan_Allen3 years ago
    Replied to All_J

    again she was warned repeatedly and as a noble herself she should've seen it coming. she sucks as a human being and deserves death. she started not one but two civil wars due to her idiotic actions.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Jonathan_Allen
    Jonathan_Allen3 years ago

    kill serien off. can't even manage one thing. was warned repeatedly and instead acts like the same ditz that caused her country to be involved in a civil war.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Jonathan_Allen
    Jonathan_Allen3 years ago

    will she get her skin back?

  • Jonathan_Allen
    Jonathan_Allen3 years ago

    so tactical nuke on the capital when.

  • Jonathan_Allen
    Jonathan_Allen3 years ago

    author im not criticizing or anything but are you planning on making chapters more meaty. i mean im fine with you doing you its just creating alot of unintentional cliff hangers. on another note ballistic armor actually isnt that effective against piercing weapons like bows and swords. id recommend something like a stabvest or something to go along with a plate carrier. also im not sure if youre working on suspension of disbelief or not cause youre trying to be as accurate as possible when describing the guns. so id recommend something with a quick change barrel and the system to inform him bout cyclic firing so as to not overheat the barrel or weapon jams. it would also increase his accuracy as well as limit his ammo usage. of course with suspension of disbelief this doesnt matter.

  • Jonathan_Allen
    Jonathan_Allen3 years ago

    great story do far. my only question is that will he find elana and nuri. kinda got invested in the family and loved ones would hate to not see em for anther hundreds of chapters.

  • Jonathan_Allen
    Jonathan_Allen4 years ago
    Replied to JoSauer

    i did try the everybody loves large chests but didnt care for it. intriguing plot but it just didnt captivate me. as for others i couldnt really find any r rated litrpgs that i liked so i just come to this site for those. they do have some intriguing r rated novels in other categories tho.

  • Jonathan_Allen
    Jonathan_Allen4 years ago
    Replied to JoSauer

    weirdest noob was hilarious. there were some other good ones that I just don't remember cause I went heavy into that genre. read a lot of em and kinda burnt out a bit.

  • Jonathan_Allen
    Jonathan_Allen4 years ago
    Replied to JoSauer

    i mean this book is literally the same premise as the other book. Execution might be different but still the same principle. you might wanna try kindle as well they got some good series with mmorpg aspects. look up emeralia, the world, nova terra, the ten realms and primcy online. all fantastic book series.

  • Jonathan_Allen
    Jonathan_Allen4 years ago
    Replied to Alemax08

    someone should just make a book on truck-kuns many missions to send others to new worlds.