Crawled from the deepest lovcraftian horrors just to read some good novels and fics so don't dissapoint me mortals
of reading
Read books
Ironically the best queen would be Azi Dahaka or Tobio, but then you're looking for women only then Tiamat as a confirmed magic expert and top dragon king is indeed the best, though you'll need a Mutated Queen for that, not even Ajuka who she works with managed to convince her to reincarnate her.
Good luck trying to do her that, she's basically Asia 2.0
Yes, another board director, this one is correct
This one is actually correct, look it up.
You're right
Also yeah, ToAru is a unique clustered*cob as you'd have noticed. The ai I'm using had a stroke and couldn't make heads of tails if the names in ToAru since they're so god d*man many of them
Spells, magic, talismans, reinforcement, the MC isn't playing fair.
So delusional, barring plot shenannigans litteraly no one poses any sort of threat to house targeryan except themselves, and even then its only the dragon riding ones that matter.
Thank you for pointing these out, if you could please continue doing so, it will help me and all future readers