Chillin probably listening to music
of reading
Read books
Who the heckkk
I was not expecting that but honestly period esdeath is loyal to her one and only 😜☝️
Damnnn okaiii esdeath manipulate Ethan!
That was fucken goooood ughhhh I can’t the cliffhanger 😩
Overall it’s a pretty good story, cool concepts and I like the interest the MC shows in magical creatures. However, I’d recommend not reading it until the author updates again. They’re on a break from this book focusing on a different one. I got hooked and now I’m just bummed I don’t get to read more :/
Glad I wasn’t the only one 😭
This is my absolute favorite book to read on here and I’m so glad I found this treasure. Thank you author and I hope to read more of the incredible worlds you create.
Hybrid! Of what idk but hybrid
This is making my birthday so much better thank you for the chapters you’re the best!!