

2020-01-08 JoinedGlobal

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  • Prince_Ofdark
    Prince_Ofdark4 years ago

    this novel is one of the top 10 best novels I have ever read it takes 2 position after lotm the story is very the story is really exciting and interesting are you read the whole book in only 4 days I couldn't stop reading once I started the horror of this story can send chills up my spine and make me scared 2-point is that I don't dare read it alone in a dark place it's unique different from all story I have read the mystery this story is high quality and difficult to unreveale the characters also interesting especially the mc and fmc the mc is very brave and very intelligent he has many similarities the mc in lotm the story development is addicting and the background is is very stable overall this novel is highly recommended I will never forget it I am really impressed with this novel to the point is that if i were a millionaire I would have Made a gold plate with the story inscribed on it

  • Prince_Ofdark
    Prince_Ofdark4 years ago

    this one of the best stories I have ever read every detail is very good there is nothing else to say except that I wish the author hurry up with vol 2

  • Prince_Ofdark
    Prince_Ofdark4 years ago

    the story and the character design is fantastic so far this right up to my taste in addition to being unique and refreshing. I am a poor soul who got tired of reading too many similar stories and many different stories simply put I am a book worm I say it proudly that's why I can tell a good book just by reading some chapters and for this one i would say that the book has a good chance to be ranked on par with lotm if not messed up