Waiting for robot uprising and will actively sell out my fellow humans to future machine overlords
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Good catch. I didn't realize the image was flipped when I Google the picture.
Kind of felt like You're leaving somethings out of the Epilogue
You know, it's funny. People think. Victor von doom is evil. But in the one reality where he did manage to take power, he created a utopia. Also he really wants to kill Mephisto To save his mother's soul From him
Vibranium can be cut. It's been cut before. It is only strong against Kinetic force and it's weak to magic. Stop making vibrarium over powered.
At this point in the story it's more like Stockholm Syndrome, then simping
Now it's time for a interlude of these dimensions
All good villains must have a few women. The evil Overlord has his mistresses And Dracula has his brides.
this is the symbol of Khepri.
this is the symbol of Ra.