Doom: Punisher of Dc
death is final is what we’re told but it wasn’t for me.I was brought back in my Favorite game and it was hell no it was worse then hell and i come to hate the very line i thought was so cool Rip&Tear.It became me it was the only thing i could think to keep straight and not was my duty and i wanted it to end it all of it for good but it end me to.I lost it and was on auto-Pilot that what i believe how i fell just wanted it all gone so i took it the hit that end ever thing the war the demon this fight and me it was over i was finish and the it happen again.I was back but this time it was how i asked for no short end deal this time but i did have to wait to reawaken but i had dream as i did and a Trauma that was branded on to my very soul that brought a need to punish those demons and now even those who have sin greatly. “this not my own it a fanfic watch and see how this story goes should be fun work something out for this”
6BigBoneMeat9 · Anime & Comics