


Love crafts and baking

2019-11-23 JoinedUnited States



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My World Now

This is my first attempt at a story. Even if no one read it I am having fun. It’s a story about a women who finds herself in a world unknown. The sky is purple and the Elves hang out in the trees to the south waiting to attack and eat you alive. This is a chapter sample Village My red wings blend well in the dark sky. This is a small village, if you can call it that, not even fifty houses. The village is on a small hill. The roofs are a light blue grass and the walls are an orange stone. There are no walls encasing the town. There are a few rows of a purple flower surrounding the village. The leafs are blue with red vines through them. These are flowers that give off a perfume that the beasts don't like. The flowers also surround part of the field that has creatures that walk on two legs. They look something like dinosaurs/large chickens with no feathers, and skin like an elephant. They are used like horses. The grass is a light blue and reaches to the forest. Not a person can be seen in the village. Not a light in any of the houses. "When darkness comes all babies should be in bed cause monsters play at night." I laugh at myself and dive. A red light lances through the sky from the column on the nearest corner of the village just missing me "Now that pisses me off," I say out loud, and let loose a black flame from my mouth. The flame hits the column. Then I let loose another. This time I hear a scream as the house I aim at bursts into flames. I blast house after house.

Conna · Fantasy
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41 Chs