


just wanna share my art...

2019-11-04 JoinedUnited States



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  • YungApophis

    I hope you all enjoy this web novel. It has taken me quite awhile to work up the courage to publish. However, chapter release may be hampered as I have a newborn son at home & must attend to his needs. I hope you all understand. Thank you.

    Tide of Heroes
    Fantasy · YungApophis
  • YungApophis

    finally. glad you're back.

    Ch 218 PapaSmurf
    Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power
    Games · Dao_Of_Fiction
  • YungApophis

    Please don't be afraid to drop a comment & let me know what you think!

    Ch 1 [0-1]Dawn of the Tide
    Tide of Heroes
    Fantasy · YungApophis
  • YungApophis

    See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

    Ch 1 Just an old Book
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • YungApophis

    The Mechanic & The Pauper. 🤣😂

    Feng Jun immediately got the items delivered to Han Xiao, prompting Han Xiao to sarcastically praise him for being an exemplary worker. He joked that he would shower him with a pennant, among other rewards, causing Feng Jun to roll his eyes. After teasing him, Han Xiao returned to his workroom to begin work on his equipment.
    The Legendary Mechanic
    Games · Qi Peijia
  • YungApophis
    Replied to Gabbu_Xul


    Feng Jun found himself growing more and more exasperated at Han Xiao, but fortunately for him, the higher-ups had known before that Han Xiao would be a pain to deal with, so they had given him a raise. For the sake of his $25,000 monthly wage, plus insurance, he relented to act as Han Xiao's errand boy.
    The Legendary Mechanic
    Games · Qi Peijia
  • YungApophis

    Lmao! Kinda dick move, Old Lu. Funny tho.

    As he left, Han Xiao noticed an oily handprint on his shoulder.
    The Legendary Mechanic
    Games · Qi Peijia
  • YungApophis
    Replied to RenniOG

    I wasn't being condescending, simply informative. I started the way I did because many readers on this app are most likely younger than myself. There's nothing to argue. Besides the fact that I quite literally cited a couple instances of extreme violence in world history similar to acts detailed in the novel...which proves the acts are not just in the confines of a fantasy novel. You're simply romanticizing genuine historical acts because the truth is worse to look at: humanity has quite literally acted on par or worse than events in this novel. For real. With enough power & support combined, there were public hangings, beheadings, castration, torture & more over simple things such as peasants attempting to learn to read/write. I was just trying to inform you that the world has never been & never will be as civil as you seem to believe. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there will always be those that do more than you know or would ever wish to believe. My simple suggestion is start at the events I cited & dig further in to history outside of provided texts. You'll quickly understand what I mean. Anyways, if I inadvertently came off condescending; I sincerely apologize. Again: just trying to be informative. Hope you have a great day.

    "Might makes right is all fun and games, until you find someone stronger than you. Then, it becomes a nightmare, were you can lose everything on the whims of your betters. Law is a shield to defend the weak, not a sword to threaten others' lives.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • YungApophis
    Replied to RenniOG

    I digress. Point being, while law exists those that are at the highest rungs of society can use their wealth, power & authority to exploit others. So at time they can work outside or above the laws. Look in to stuff like King Herod or Edward Ironsides tale as historical reference. Look in to drone strikes in the Middle East for modern references. Humans have the capacity to be nasty by nature & it's a rather important remember that.

    "Might makes right is all fun and games, until you find someone stronger than you. Then, it becomes a nightmare, were you can lose everything on the whims of your betters. Law is a shield to defend the weak, not a sword to threaten others' lives.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • YungApophis
    Replied to

    I hate to be harsh... you may be young However, this novel is actually realistic when it comes to traits of the elite & people that are points or authority/power. One must understand how backstabbing politics really are/were. I mean, world history is filled with enslavement, torture, exploitation & attempted genocides(some successful I.E Pontic Greeks, Assyrians or even the Kasmir genocide...) Some spurn from scorn of a single individual. While this novel can be quite 'cringe', I think it also nails important aspects that can be relatively eye-opening for some.

    "Might makes right is all fun and games, until you find someone stronger than you. Then, it becomes a nightmare, were you can lose everything on the whims of your betters. Law is a shield to defend the weak, not a sword to threaten others' lives.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • YungApophis

    I like these two a lot. They're true to their innate character which makes them much more palpable & likeable.

    "He can save it for his biographer!" It was Manohar's turn to drag Marth away by the arm. "To the paperwork, for the life of me! And then to the board! You do the talking, I don't speak stupids."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • YungApophis

    She's the best 🥰

    "Perfect. Let's forget about your pathetic, miserable existences, so I can explain to you what Principles of Advanced Magic is about."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • YungApophis
    Replied to AlexGal55044678

    The kids bullied, the teacher punished & exercised her power & authority. I see nothing wrong with how she acted considering the absolute hellscape of a world they live in.

    'This way not only is he sure to have someone that can truly empathize with the victims at his service, but also people who will never back down in front of the abuse of power. They are all hell-bent on revenge, if they cannot change the system from inside, no one can.'
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • YungApophis
    Replied to Sceer

    The protector of the victim is somehow in the wrong by exercising her authority & power? That's a rather myopic view. She's setting a boundary in concrete only a r3t4rd would cross. She didn't purposefully go out of her way to cause misery, the students did. She's keeping them in check the best way possible: by ensuring the lesson is burned in to their minds. 😁

    "And what about you, ugly b*tch? Why are you not laughing anymore? Why don't you go cry to your mommy, Duchess Baran? I want to see her face when I rip your heart out in front of her eyes and make her eat it raw as an apology for being weaker than me!"
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • YungApophis
    Replied to RenniOG

    It's a magical world where daily life is kill or be killed. What did you expect? Fairy kisses & well wishes? 🤣

    "That makes your father's Marquis title a joke. I could kill you right here and now, and then claim you tried to r*pe me. Not only would no one dare to doubt my word, but I could also ask for satisfaction, personally wiping out all your filthy family!"
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • YungApophis

    Clever reference... I like this teacher already.

    "The answer is: how to keep you alive by revealing the true value of the severely neglected chore magic. I know, its name is horrible, but since the dawn of academies, chore magic has helped examiners to separate the wheat from the chaff.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • YungApophis

    I know it kinda sucks but to Lith, Trion is guilty by association so he's probably forever banished to the background character role. Heh.

    Trion was nowhere to be seen. Their relationship had never mended, and the more power and authority Lith gained, the more Trion felt like a stranger to his own family.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • YungApophis

    Get 'em, bud!

    'Well, f*ck you too, mate.' Lith thought. 'Diss Lark one more time, and you and I will have a problem.'
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • YungApophis

    a lot of grammar mistakes & nothing to really keep me intrigued tbh.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    Fantasy · BLACKangelmarl
  • YungApophis


    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Fantasy · BLACKangelmarl