

2019-10-21 JoinedCanada

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  • Dragoon725
    Dragoon72518 days ago

    Question, what's the original chinese name of this fic? I want to read ahead even if I know that the machine translate is terrible but I can't find the name of the story.

  • Dragoon725
    Dragoon7254 months ago

    Nice translated story. Question, what's it's original chinese name as even mtl is bad, i still want to read ahead of your translated chapters.

  • Dragoon725
    Dragoon7259 months ago
    Replied to kidness

    question, is this fic completed or is it still going since the very game itself is still running fine and dandy as I know as I'm both a player and fan of Honkai Impact

  • Dragoon725
    Dragoon7259 months ago

    The translation seems pretty good to me. Loads better mtl anyway. Question though, what's the original name of this story and where to find original version to see if it's really that messy

  • Dragoon725
    Dragoon725a year ago

    Not exactly no Ninja War vs Pokemon but more along the lines of any corrupt or extremist not being able to use Pokemon as cannon fodder as since only those who have the capability of seeing their pokemon as friends, comrades and so on can even keep pokemon, anyone like Danzo would never be able to use them though I imagine that when it comes to protecting their partners, the pokemon that are dearly loved would still protect them

  • Dragoon725
    Dragoon725a year ago

    You know Souleye, including my review that where I mentioned my concerns, I will include one particular comment here which is giving an explanation on where exactly all these aircrafts come from as sooner or later, Renard to give at least a somewhat reasonable explanation on where exactly he gets his planes and he can't say its from the System obviously. My idea is to bring Grunder Industries into play though changing its background so its not that mess of a company that loves starting wars as revenge for Osea destroying its homeland. Basically speaking, I'm thinking that Grunder is an elite secret manufacturing company that doesn't simply picks its customers by who has the most cash but a sort of, Ace of Aces company that only serves those who proves themselves properly in combat as a worthy customer. Because of that, only those of the Round Table, those who are connected to the members of the Round Table or those who are potential candidates of said Table are allowed to purchase their Aircrafts from them as any other customer would only be given a big fat zero. This type of explanation would also explain to those looking to buy said planes a good reason into why exactly they have never hear of such an organization capable of producing machines that can destroy whole armies as their going to be drooling at the sight of the Arsenal Birds and such.

  • Dragoon725
    Dragoon725a year ago

    Not quite sure if I like how this chapter is going or how the MC is shaping honestly Souleye. Nothing against your style but I kind of wanted the MC to fess up to his sister about what he's truly been up to since I kind of see the MC is slowly but surely losing his way and becoming a social psychopath in a way that has a very similar trait to many gamer fic MC's and was kind of hoping that the MC's sister would be a calming person to bring him down from the power high he's on right now. I mean, the fact that's he's basically shrugging his shoulders at the fact that he's worsening tensions so badly that his Earth is nearing WW3 and the fact that he doesn't really give a damn is a perfect reason for his sister to be worrying about his personality as the fact that's he's not accepting responsibility for his actions doesn't say much for a healthy mindset. Honestly speaking, I was kind of hoping that his sister Elana would become a Support Player in his missions, taking control of EWACS(since right now, the MC doesn't have a dedicated EWACS) and being able to utilize things like Leader Powers and so along with being able to control UAV's Drones since I kind of see Elana as a more strategist to the MC's 'brute force and jump into a battle without thinking' mindset. Its also meant to really give Elana some actual discipline over his brother who's quite literally just flying at seat of his pants and not bothering to even use his head so he doesn't get himself into situations where he eithers escalate a problem or be the one who cause said problem in the first place.

  • Dragoon725
    Dragoon725a year ago

    Indeed. There are plenty of people who's personality drastically change when they gain power that they personally are not ready for said power and ends up letting said power corrupts their personality. I'm thinking the MC's sister is sort of going to see that change in her brother and if she learns it, might even give her brother a big slap in the face to wake him up since lets face it, its clear that he's letting this Ace Combat System get to his head and is letting it go overboard and acting both thoughtlessly and recklessly as well since he's just making things ten times worst and this is something that his sister might be his word of wisdom and conscious since the ACS might actually be surpressing it. After all, currently speaking, he's just causing the situation to become worst and worst and who knows, his actions might cause a Third World War to happened and he might need to take responsibility over his actions as his sister might be upfront that when you get down to it, all of this chaos wouldn't have happened if he himself didn't start showboating and causing said chaos in the first place. Heck, the fight against the JSDF didn't even needed to go that far as he could've easily ordered his subordinates to fight non-lethally so even if it still ended up in an incident, the damage wouldn't have gone that far. Instead, it turned into a shooting match that got both soldiers and civilians killed because of his carelessness. In a way, the MC is turning into some kind of Lelouch in that because of Lelouch gaining his Geass powers, it quickly went to his head and he used every excuse to justify his actions even using his sister Nunnally despite him just using Nunnally as an excuse to justify on the trouble he caused. I'm seeing a similar parallel to him and Lelouch and he could've just stopped causing trouble after getting a good amount of money from fighting iin Muv-Luv universe as he already treated his sister and got enough money to live in luxury. Instead, just like how Lelouch wasn't satisfied with his vengeance and just kept pushing beyond, the same goes with the MC. Another thing is like I mentioned before, is that the Ace Combat System maybe actually affecting his thoughts and actions far more than he think its doing if that 'Assimilation' percentage is any thought. There are some fics where the MC's were told that the 'Gamer's Mind' ability is more of a downside than an upside is it drastically affects the persons mind as feeling fear, despair and sadness isn't necessary a bad thing as a human gets stronger and better but surpassing what they experience and becomes a stronger person afterwards. What abilities like Gamer Mind does is simply makes it not possible for the person to grow into a better person which is not a good thing when they have something as dangerously powerful as the Gamer ability. Heck,, a DBZ fic where a human MC gained the Gamer ability and was told how bad the Gamer Mind ability was doing to his mind since it just suppresses what he feels and not get rid of what he feels and he doesn't want his Gamer's Mind suddenly being turned off in a crisis and he decided to turn it off. He was simply horrified at what he had been doing and that event convinced him that Gamer's Mind was no boon as he thought but more of an curse at its more similar to the 'Shield Heroes' Cursed Series of weapons and decides not to use it unless its an extreme emergency.

  • Dragoon725
    Dragoon725a year ago

    The story is alright though I'm not quite sure I like how the character is shaping up as he's extremely careless and reckless I find as what person thinks its a good idea of showing weapons of mass destruction in real life Earth especially when he should've learned his lesson when you consider the TSF reaction to his Ace Combat planes, he surely is going to cause a ruckus on regular Earth and that's not to think about what his sister is going to think of him once it gets out that he caused an incident that cause the lives of both military civilian when it shouldn't have been an incident in the first place.

  • Dragoon725
    Dragoon725a year ago

    Interesting idea though I suggest just in case, for anything that SHIELD's buys, there's a bit of a fail-safe in case they try using it on the MC like a remote shutdown system that's cunningly hidden inside the machines so if they try pulling a fast one on the MC, they get a nasty surprise. I suggest making it activate when the MC uses Quantum Brainwaves for when he becomes an Innovator as the activation code.