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  • moustach_Nia

    Apparently ithe first version of the chapter is the correct one or at least that is what you will find if you read the the google translated chinese version . And it is the second time that the chapter present a situation at first and then repeat and modified the first was when the mc wanted to learn the indestractable body he did not get the sign in reward to instantly begin so he had to go to the auction in the city of the 2nd disciple and it was then that the system found him and he went to the li family and normally the li shiya(2nd discple) did not know about the green lotus sword bone body or whatever and did not directly submit to the mc. And now i can't help but see the same pattern and although it is only a detail , it really kills the immersion and it had made the characterss verry bland where in the original it was more fleshed out. And i don't understand why you need to modify the story if you want just write your own

    Ch 16 Tidying Up the Harvest, News of the Three Disciples
    Xianxia: My Disciples are Insane!
    Eastern · Baby Rush
  • moustach_Nia
    Replied to moustach_Nia

    i meant to say it is not explained in 2000+ chapters but much earlier

    Reverend Insanity
    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • moustach_Nia
    Replied to TBS_23

    *SPOILERS* first of all the why there are many rank 8 geniuses is not explained in 2000+ and as for why all of them are geniuses and are numerous it actually is very normal and it's because they have a 3 800 000 years + foundations where every rank 8 (which only special or powerful rank 8 are ellegible to enter the court) that is approaching his limits will hand over his gu worms and go to slumber in a space specially created for them to slumber and the reason why they do not rule the other regions is simply because first the regional walls where the more powerful you are the more restricted in traveling to another continent and secondly the other regions are powerful and if attacked by a more powerfull enemy they will unit and even if they won not only will it be an empty victory with gains farrr below the worth but also the other regions will either unit to attack them or steal or destroy the resourse and sects on the central continent as they will fear they will be next and as they say "the nail that sticks out gets hammered first"

    Reverend Insanity
    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren