


I like light novels.

2019-07-28 JoinedGlobal

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  • OneShadow
    OneShadow3 years ago
    Replied to MyriadChanges303

    Oh from the red moon is amazing you have good taste i will have to try out technician's manual here you go GingerClanger 从红月开始

  • OneShadow
    OneShadow3 years ago
    Replied to OneShadow

    edit reading the raws the mc is extremely wasteful and looks down on rewards that will actually help him out refuses to participate in awards ceremonies or accept things giving things away which would help with his cultivation his so called low profile act is a joke even an idiot could see through it so it is pointless and wasteful it just makes him look arrogant still love the book but he does this way too often it is getting very very annoying.

  • OneShadow
    OneShadow3 years ago

    Amazing novel haven't had such an enjoyable read in a long long time. The mc is mature , intelligent , clever , calm and collected he is not a wasteful mc like so many others are out there, he plans and executes and follows through by using his great understanding that his many years of life has given him, he adapts quickly when things do not go his way he has a back up plan in place it is not all or nothing or just luck like so many mc's out there you can even see his preplanning it is not just something author decided on one moment to the next to fill in the story it is well thought out and executed the mc knows his own and his pets strengths and weakness and utilizes them to his advantage whether it is fooling others or working to fill them into his strengths he does not put all his hope into one thing adaptation and utlization of his understanding and knowledge is one of his main strengths. The world is interesting the author is witty and humourous the fight scenes are very interesting and enjoyable to read the mc is very likeable and no character dynamics feel too forced a wonderful read i hope this one gets more chapters soon :)

  • OneShadow
    OneShadow3 years ago

    well would you looky here there is actually a character with a normal level of intelligence and no surprise here it is not the mc.

  • OneShadow
    OneShadow3 years ago

    i like this system so wonderfully vidictive hahahha karma is coming for you john.

  • OneShadow
    OneShadow3 years ago
    Replied to FilledWithHope

    um... sorry what did you say? jk

  • OneShadow
    OneShadow3 years ago

    This is too funny if you are someone who can read without taking things seriously you are guaranteed a good laugh this one made me tear up this needs to get picked!

  • OneShadow
    OneShadow3 years ago
    Replied to

    Nope not so far he is pretty fair in that regard kills peoples who crosses him most of the time unless they are stronger than him, female or otherwise it is just his interactions with his love interest especially the princess chick which make it tiresome but i have a low level of tolerance towards that kind of thing. After getting burned out from so many novels so some people might not even really care as long as it does not reach mga or others like it level bad where the heroines and friends get instant power ups with no effort and only easily resolvable side effects and invalidate all the mc's efforts to get stronger by barely clinging onto his life and then panders to his relatives friends or love interests or wastes all his time looking out for them when he can barely survive on his own and they would much safer elsewhere not just being a burden to the mc without contributing anything meaningful or the author trying to force them to be useful/likeable character by dumbing down the mc or giving them a labatomy so they become 1d door mat whenever they are around them yeah i have been burned by a lot of books i enjoyed up until that point so i might just be really bitter i would love to read some books with actually useful companions that have their own indispensable and unique skills that actually worked for their power and didn't just get some handouts or bloodlines, talent etc.. nonsense but all the cn webnovels i read unfortunately seem to follow this template or the mc never picks that girl and always goes with the doe eyed jade beauty cardboard cutout vs the ones who treat them with respect and risks their life for them and actually has a personality of their own very frustrating... sorry for the rant just burned out TLDR lol