



2019-06-24 JoinedGlobal

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  • Oblivious95
    Replied to alsiee

    I don't remember anything about this comment

    Gawain looked over curiously and saw a thin girl, who seemed to be a little size smaller than Rebecca, timidly walking out from the shadows in the corner. The young lady was wearing a skirt made of coarse material. There were adolescent freckles on her face, and her flaxen hair was loose behind her head as she held on tightly to a pan in her hand.
    Sword of Dawnbreaker
    Fantasy · Yuan Tong
  • Oblivious95
    Replied to Yonas_Farah

    that I made them sad with the thought.

    His eyes were blood-red and Jason felt weird looking at him.
    God´s Eyes
    Urban · HideousGrain
  • Oblivious95

    and his pet keeps up...

    Hong Zhao raced with the max speed vortex thrust would allow. He felt the trees blurring past him more than he had seen them. As he flew past, many other shadow panthers saw him, blinked and he was gone. There was no one in that group that could possibly be a match for him. Instead, he went deeper still, until he reached an unfamiliar part of the forest.
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95
    Replied to connerkent
    One Hundred and One Kills
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95
    Replied to Hantam_Crumo

    right? it makes no sense

    Ch 13 Claustrophobic
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95

    um what.

    Hong Zhao made the one last vortex thrust infused leap and cleared the wall in one fell swoop. Landing on his feet outside of the village, Hong Zhao kept vortex thrust activated as he disappeared back into the forest. Right behind him, he heard the rhythmic beating of Shadow catching up to him. "Let's go." He sprinted deep within the forest at a speed that last month would have seemed impossible. He went further into the forest than he had started out at with Lan. He knew that the further in he went, the stronger his opponent might be, and he was looking for a match to his own strength.
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95

    so you spend time talking about the books you're reading. but don't set aside time to actually read them?

    For the next month, Hong Zhao had the following routine. He would wake up at dawn, cultivate for two hours, then join the Li family for breakfast. He then trained in his abilities until noon. By then, his qi would need to be replenished, so he would eat lunch, talk with Li Wuhan about the books they were reading, then cultivate once more for two more hours.
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95

    I thought he was much older

    Elder Ji nodded. "A week ago and you are still at the beginning stage of rank three. You are seven now. You only have three more years before you turn ten. Do not fail to bring honor to this family." He said simply and looked at Hong Zhao. "You are second star student rank in the middle stage, how old are you?"
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95

    oh hey look another storage ring...

    Hong Zhao saw the old man take out a storage ring and started to put books within them. "Yes, I think this will do." He tossed the ring to Hong Zhao, who caught it with one hand. "I want you to read these books, then come back and tell me what you think of them. When you are finished, you can request more from me."
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95

    so the other boy only has 3 years or no academy?

    "For now, it would be best for me to keep a low profile." Hong Zhao knew that a two star student was a match for no one in particular in a world like this. He had to get to a five star rank before he turned ten in order to be considered for the Yuan Academy. Only then would he start to climb the latter to the strength he needed to truly make a difference in the world.
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95

    didn't realize until next paragraph 🤣

    As Li Wei bound the ring to her, she didn't realize that by binding it in front of Hong Zhao, she had taught him how to do it himself. He quickly pricked his finger and put a drop of blood on his own ring.
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95

    at best I would say he's using them as a foothold into the world. but he's done fast more than necessary.

    Hong Zhao sat near the fire smiling from ear to ear. More and more he felt the age that he was. No longer did he feel like an old man who couldn't keep up. He felt more like the two children in front of him, though he knew they took their youth for granted. "I'll make sure they reach their full potential with me then." he smiled to himself.
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95

    aww I was hoping he'd have to learn the language.

    "What do you think we should do with the brats?" A gruff voice asked through bites of bread. "The girl would fetch a great price as a slave, but the boy? There just isn't a market for boys anymore."
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95
    Replied to beekal

    Lan did comment on how the pure white qi was good for his cultivation base.

    Having finished the piece of meat, Hong Zhao knew that this was no ordinary animal. Sitting in the lotus position, he began to cultivate. Sending a mental projection of himself to his dantian, he gasped in amazement as he saw the gruesome sight of the blood and gore soaked qi. He knew he was going to have to refine it before it ruined his cultivation base.
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95
    Replied to

    Lan did comment on how the pure white qi was good for his cultivation base.

    Having finished the piece of meat, Hong Zhao knew that this was no ordinary animal. Sitting in the lotus position, he began to cultivate. Sending a mental projection of himself to his dantian, he gasped in amazement as he saw the gruesome sight of the blood and gore soaked qi. He knew he was going to have to refine it before it ruined his cultivation base.
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95

    lies!! he opened a single door

    Hong Zhao let his mental projection open the door, which led to a more well lit room. It was a large spacious room. He thought back to a football field within his previous life and felt that half of one could fit in this room. Along the wall he saw various doors. Above the doors were stars. He could see a sort of numerical system within the stars. There were ten doors, and the stars above the doors were one through ten. "Interesting." the mental projection said as he went to the first door and tried the knob. It caught and wouldn't budge. frustrated with the locked door, he wondered why exactly Lan wanted him to view what was inside the ring if he couldn't open a single door within.
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95
    Replied to Chocolates_Dark

    I'm assuming they're all dead. not that it matters anyways

    "Ellen is living quite nicely now." The woman beamed at him. "All she needed was a Cleansing Pill to take the impurities away." She giggled as she flicked her hand and a pill appeared between her fingers. "You should have seen your doctors faces when she just got up and walked away!"
    Red Talon Piercing the Darkness
    Fantasy · JCNord
  • Oblivious95
    Replied to MG3K

    I either quickly forgot or missed reading that lol

    "Buy it, Brother Yuan." Xiao Hua nodded with a resolute face.
    Cultivation Online
    Games · MyLittleBrother
  • Oblivious95
    Replied to Malcolm_Massey

    solely me. I am a black hole with a super high metabolism.

    Wang Yu's wife was named Mu Zi Xian. She worked in customer service in Soaring Dragon Game studios and typically earned between 5000 to 6000 a month. In the current economy with an income of this level, it wasn't a problem for a family to be able to live comfortably in the city. However, with the appetite, Wang Yu had, five to six thousand a month was not even enough to keep him fed.
    MMORPG: Martial Gamer
    Games · Immortal Iron Bull
  • Oblivious95
    Replied to Oblivious95

    especially for something quick like this though there isn't a reason to make a separate thing for such a small paragraph.

    Simultaneously, the person in the crystal coffin, who was far away, gave his last breath. He had a slight smile on his face, unlike the anxious faces of the men in black robes gathered around him.
    Heir of the Dragon
    Fantasy · Sanseiu